Caucasian Shepherd Dog Pictures

Caucasian shepherd dog pictures and i want a Caucasian Shepherd, do I need to know

Withers: at least 65 cm
Weight: about 50 kg
Layer: gray, gold, white, chalky or reddish
Skills: guardian of flocks and property
Overall ranking: giant breeds dogs
Classification according to FCI: Group 2: Pinscher and Schnauzer type dogs Molossoid and Swiss Mountain and Cattle> Molosoides
The Caucasian Shepherd is one of the dogs with more power pressure bite.


It is likely that comes from Caucasian Shepherd Dog. For a long time, this dog was bred exclusively by the shepherds of the Caucasian mountains (from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea). It was used to guide cattle and defend him from wolves and other predators. Throughout the centuries the pastors selected able to withstand the low temperatures in the area more rustic, powerful and robust dogs.
 Some image of caucasian shepherd dog pictures :


Dog Caucasus is obedient and faithful to its owner, balanced and very suspicious of strangers. Has an excellent memory, is dominant, quiet, quite independent and shown affectionate when he fancy. It is very territorial and used to growl or bark at any noise or suspicious presence, caucasian shepherd dog pictures. Its deterrent power is ideal to use it in the guard house.


The Caucasian Shepherd is a large, robust and muscular wide back straight dog. He has the compact head, broad forehead and short snout. The ears, set high, will hang on the sides of the head and tail, also implanted high, it reaches to the hock. Her hair is smooth, rough and along its length, there are three varieties within the breed: long hair, short hair and intermediate type, caucasian shepherd dog pictures. This layer used to be gray with lighter varying colors (straw, white, red and brindle brown).

Specifics Pastor care Caucasus

Being a dominant dog (used to guard livestock, people and property) should educate the Caucasian Shepherd with a firm hand (i.e. not use force), love and patience, caucasian shepherd dog pictures. From the beginning the owner has to make clear that he is the boss.

There is an indoor dog, either by its size or by the need for running and enjoy their independence. On the rides must be taken well tied, as it used to close with other dogs and people if you think that invade their territory. What do you think about caucasian shepherd dog pictures ?

It is often advisable to brush your hair to keep it healthy and looking good.


Dog Caucasus is a strong dog that enjoys good health, a fact that does not mean that is exempt from the typical diseases of large breeds such as hip dysplasia, elbow and stomach torsion.

Tips for buying a Caucasian Shepherd
Find a puppy Internet carries risks. To clear the professionalism of the kennel with whom you contacts, we recommend that...

Who knows the race (who attends dog shows) is discovered, and offered to track the puppy after sale. Does it mean, or simply set a price? caucasian shepherd dog pictures
Ye shall see if recommended by other breeders, or have references from satisfied customers.

Their dogs are registered in the LOE and have pedigree in order. Note that process the pedigree of a puppy is not expensive, Distrust phrases "if I give pedigreed will leave much more expensive." More information on prices for a puppy

We give guarantees in relation to health problems, physical, hereditary ... Delivery puppy with veterinary card, chip, vaccinations, and deworming and veterinary service history? caucasian shepherd dog pictures

You ask me show you let your facility and see Are these copies are free from disease?

And finally, remember that puppies need a minimum of two months with her mother before delivery. Distrust anyone who wants to speed up the process.
In addition, always keep in mind the care that requires your future pet. Take note:

In the case of the Caucasian Shepherd is demanding aesthetic maintenance compared to other races, so we should not neglect it, caucasian shepherd dog pictures.
Daily brushing or two or three times a week.

It should bathe every six to eight weeks, and you have to take care of your nails.
Cut by a groomer.
We must protect your eyes, ears and teeth.
Call your veterinarian as often as required, and have their shots up to date.

On the other hand, the Caucasian Shepherd breed requires a lot of exercise, caucasian shepherd dog pictures. So should not be neglected his daily walks and play with them. No dogs are suitable for life in an apartment.
