Caucasian Shepherd Dog Behavior

Caucasian shepherd dog behavior - GENERAL APPEARANCE: Shepherd dogs Caucasus are of above average size and large; its constitution is robust even coarse. By nature, they attack strangers and suspicious of them. These features must be added the endurance, lack of demands and the ease of adaptation to varied thermal and climatic conditions, allowing use in almost all regions of Russia.

The principal regions of penetration of the Sheepdogs Caucasus are the republics of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaïdjan, autonomous republics Karbardino-Balkarie, the Daghestan and Kalmoukie, and regions of the steppes of the North Caucasus and around Astrakhan, caucasian shepherd dog behavior.

In regions of the Transcaucasus the dogs are more solid type, whereas in the steppes regions they are lighter, higher, and often have shorter hair.

It is a dog that shows great vigor; It is strong, balanced and calm, caucasian shepherd dog behavior. Defense reactions that occur in active form, are well developed. The aggressiveness and distrust towards strangers are characteristic.

Robusta up rough; solid bones and strong muscles. The skin is thick but elastic.

(Withers: Perimeter carpi) in males is 21-22; in females it is 20 to 22.

(Length of body: Height at withers): 102-108.

It is well marked. The males are stronger and more massive. Females are a little smaller and a little lighter constitution.


Cranial region:
It is solid, with a wide cranial cavity and highly developed zygomatic arches. The forehead is broad, flat, divided into two halves by a slight furrow.

naso-frontal depression (Stop): It is not clearly marked.

Nose: strong, broad and black. In white and pale straw dogs it accepted that the truffle is brown.
Muzzle: shorter than the length of the skull, it is not very sharp.
Lips: Strong, although closing tightly, caucasian shepherd dog behavior.
Teeth: white, strong, well developed and well put together with no spaces. The incisors are aligned at the base. Articulation is scissor.
Eye Shadow Warrior, small, oval; They are sunken.
Ears: Set high, they are hanging and are cut short.

It is strong and short. It appears quite low, so that it forms an angle of 30 to 40 degrees relative to the back line.

Withers: Broad and muscular. It stands high above the topline.
Back: Broad, straight and muscular.
Loin: Short, wide, slightly curved.
Croup: Broad, muscled, set almost horizontal.
Chest: width, height, somewhat rounded, caucasian shepherd dog behavior. The bottom line of the back is the same level of the elbows or slightly below.
Belly: Moderately collected.
TAIL: Set high, falling to reach the hock. In shape of sickle, hook or ring. the trimmed tails are accepted.

Seen from the front, they are straight and parallel. The angle of the scapular-humeral articulation is about 100 °.
Forearm: Straight, strong, long without excess.
Pastern: Short, strong, placed on the vertical, or very slight inclination.
The length of the forelimbs, ground to the elbows, is somewhat greater than half the height at the withers, caucasian shepherd dog behavior. The index of the height of the forelimbs (along the tip of the elbow to the ground: height at withers) is 50-54.

Views from behind, straight and parallel. Profile Views are somewhat open at the level of the knee joint.
Leg: Short.
Hock: Strong, broad, angle is somewhat open.
Hocks: Thick; located vertically (hindlimb must not rest backwards). The vertical line of the ischial tuberosity must pass through the center of the hock and metatarsal, caucasian shepherd dog behavior.
anterior and posterior feet are large, compact and close together. Oval shaped.

It is smooth, rough, with an undercoat of a lighter color. On the head and front of limbs, the hair is shorter and appears close to body. There are three varieties of dogs as hair.

a) Long hair: Hair longer coverage. Long hair on the neck forms a mane, and on the backs of the limbs form bangs and pants. The dense fur, which completely covers the tail, makes it thick and bushy look.

b) Short-haired: Covered with dense fur, relatively short; without mane, bangs, pants, nor tuft on the tail.

c) intermediate type: Long hair, but without mane, bangs, pants or plume.

Hairs with areas of gray, with varied shades, usually light and pulling the reddish straw color to white, to red-brown and brindle. As well as colored fur peep and dotted with spots.

Loose and uniform. The characteristic movement is a short trot, which transforms usually, if acceleration in a slightly heavy gallop, caucasian shepherd dog behavior. When they are moving, limbs should move in a straight line with a slight approach forelimbs toward the midline.
The joints of the front and hind legs move easily. Back and spine work flexibly. The cross and the croup should be at the same level during the trot.

In males measures at least 65 cm, and in females at least 62 cm.

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness of it is considered the degree of deviation from the standard and its consequences on the health and welfare of the dog.
• weak or fragile constitution.
• A slight deviation of the dimensions, in relation to that already indicated.
• Lack of activity and lack of distrust towards strangers, caucasian shepherd dog behavior.
• A slight deviation in relation to sexual type. Females have a masculine type.
• Head is not wide enough and solid.
• Front too bulky; transition between the front and abrupt or marked snout.
• Muzzle short or elongated.
• Loose and hanging lips.
• abnormally worn teeth in relation to the age of the animal. Broken teeth which do not affect the joint. Absence of two or more of the first premolars, or absence of one of the first and one of the second premolars. A slight yellowing of the teeth.
• Light eyes; lower eyelids drooping slightly. Presence of stain on the cornea.
• Low-set ears and are not cut.
• Cross underdeveloped and does not protrude sufficiently above the topline.
• flaccid Back, convex or narrow.
• elongated, straight or too convex Lomo.
• Grupa little muscular or something sunk.
• Chest Something plane. lower chest does not reach to the elbow (insufficient depth).
• Belly too raised or sunken.
• Forequarters: small deviation from the angles of the scapular-humeral joint. Forearm little short or elongated. Slight deviation of elbows. Slight deviation of the limbs inward or outward, caucasian shepherd dog behavior. Pastern too oblique.
• Hindquarters: seen from behind, small deviation from the parallelism (slight approach or separation of the hocks). Tips slightly apart or together.
• hindlimb too straight or something raised.
• loose or elongated Pie. Dewclaws.
• Deviations from the normal movement (the dog inclined limbs inward or outward). The joints do not move easily enough. Lack of flexibility in the movement of the back or spine, caucasian shepherd dog behavior. Grupa rising too much during the trot. Mild croup rolling (rolling back room).

• Establishment of a weakness or fragility marked.
• significant deviations from the specified dimensions.
• fearful dog; indolence strongly marked; lack of aggressiveness.
• Serious deviations in relation to sexual type. Males that have the type of females.
• Head light, narrow, with a pointed snout out of proportion with the general type of construction.
• Muzzle collection.
• small, separate and insufficiently developed teeth. Incisors implanted irregularly. With very worn teeth enamel.
• Eyes heterocromos. drooping lower eyelids which show part of the sclera.
• sagging or very arched.
• narrow, short or fall Grupa.
• flat, narrow and underdeveloped chest.
• Forequarters: Straight shoulders or angle of shoulder too closed. crooked or thin forearms. marked deviation of elbows. Pasterns weak. marked extremities inward or outward deviation.
• Hindquarters: very marked deviations in relation to parallelism, straight limbs, arched or very lifted.
• far apart or flat feet.
• Coat: soft, wavy hair, without undercoat.
• Color: black, black with red spots; chestnut in varied combinations.
• heavy or movements executed with difficulty. Rump raised during the trotting very, relative to the cross. Rump marked vertical movement. Amble.
• Height at less than 65 cm in males cross, and less than 62 cm in females, caucasian shepherd dog behavior.

• Dog aggressive or fearful.
• Any deviation from the joint
scissor correct.
• Colour of coat black and brown.
• Absence of one incisor or one canine; absence of a third or fourth premolar or molar.

Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities shall be disqualified.

Males should have two testicles fully descended into the scrotum appear normal.

Large dog breeds: Caucasian Shepherd

Pastor Caucasian or Caucasian Shepherd is a breed of dog native to the region of the Caucasus region, which takes the name, which includes the countries of Russia, caucasian shepherd dog behavior, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. The most widely held theory is that these animals are descendants of Dogo and was raised by shepherds from the mountains to the guidance and protection of livestock. The selection of race over the years has become a much stronger and more powerful than the original Caucasian Shepherd dog.

Physically, it is a fairly large breed dogs, whose height at the withers usually exceed 65cm height and weight is usually around 50 kg, caucasian shepherd dog behavior. They are animals with a very robust and muscular body with broad shoulders and straight. His head, too wide and large has a short snout houses a jaw whose bite is one of the most powerful in the canine world. The eyes are small oval. The ears, set high, are hanging, and sometimes cut for aesthetic reasons.

The fur of these animals can vary since there are three varieties of the breed, long hair, short hair and intermediate, caucasian shepherd dog behavior. The hair is smooth and rough to the touch. The color usually acquire these animals it is gray with some lighter shades.

As for the behavior of these animals, they can be defined as very obedient dogs and faithful to its owner. They usually have a balanced and calm demeanor, while they may appear dominant with other dogs because of their physical strength, caucasian shepherd dog behavior. I often show suspicious of strangers and usually have a fairly independent behavior. Its dominant character makes quite territorial and displayed alert for any possible intruder, making it an excellent guard dog given its intimidating appearance.

Specific care may require Caucasian Shepherd refer mainly to their education. The owner of a dog of this breed must educate them with a firm hand and a dog on the characteristics of the Pastors of the Caucasus, with its territorial behavior and strength and power can be dangerous, caucasian shepherd dog behavior, though well educated can be very good pets.

Because of its large size it requires large doses of exercise to keep fit and also give long walks. To keep your hair in good condition I should brush often.

They are generally quite healthy dogs and not very prone to diseases while they may be affected by some typical of large dogs such as hip dysplasia or stomach torsion.



The pastor of the Caucasus is a harmonious molosoide structure, very big and strong, with solid bone structure and powerful musculature. Its shape is also rectangular. As in other mastiffs sexual dimorphism is clearly defined and the puppy may take three years to reach maturity. The head is large and wide cheeks, with sunken eyes, giving it good binocular vision and middle ears, thick, triangular hanging size that separate but often amputate, caucasian shepherd dog behavior. The tail is set high, curved sickle. Their fur is thick, thick and abundant that becomes a brush on the ears, a mane around the neck and bushy "trousers", especially in males. With respect to the coat color this presents variety of solid colors, whether pious or stained (except for black) or genetic blue or brown liver.

Origin and history

The Caucasus sheepdog is a very very old breed of Russian Caucasus, but is also prevalent in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. The origin of this moloso is in the Dogo probably carried by the Alexandrian armies Mesopotamia in the fourth century and III B.C. and later used by the armies of Armenia in the I B.C. It has remained in its range, relatively isolated, with very few changes since its introduction and its copies were selected according to their strength, utility and resistance to inclement weather. In 1924 the first criteria of this race that soon would enjoy great popularity for its enormous resistance was established in the new USSR, caucasian shepherd dog behavior. It is now a recognized by the FCI and popular in some countries in the Russian orbit race.

Temperament and behavior

Caucasian shepherd dog is a typical type moloso pastor whose main activity has been, traditionally, monitor, save and protect livestock. It is therefore effective guardian. To a lesser extent it can be used as a mascot although not very frequent. Due to its characteristics and needs activity requires some exercise, walks, occupation and play. They are suitable for rural areas and large, preferably outdoor spaces, much less for urban environments with its limitations. As a working dog is very obedient, responsive, faithful pastor, awake, very territorial, which makes it a perfect vigilant to strangers and predators that faced with ferocity. Family are faithful, balanced, peaceful, independent, good companions, affable, affectionate and very protective, caucasian shepherd dog behavior. It is a dominant race and to other dogs or people could get to be addressed, so an experienced hand is needed. It is therefore appropriate, train him firmly with love, patience and positive reinforcement. Finally, if you are bored or inactive or time alone they can get to become very destructive, compulsive, nervous and barkers.

Health care

The shepherd Caucasus is a strong and healthy breed that has no outstanding health problems or congenital nature but is not exempt from the typical diseases of the giant breeds such as hip dysplasia, elbow and stomach torsion, between other. It should also check her ears regularly to prevent infections and fungi, caucasian shepherd dog behavior, as well as the eyes. In the case of a working dog, or perform many activities in the field, it is desirable to have performed periodic inspection of the coat to uncover any spikes nailed, fleas or other parasites in the skin or hair. Especially should revisársele the legs and inner ears. Attention to ticks as they can potentially transmit babesiosis, ehrlichiosis or hepatozoonosis, among others.

Regarding your many kindnesses care does not require veterinary except those common to all dogs. For your physical and emotional needs space, daily departures, caucasian shepherd dog behavior, exercise and constant occupation. For the maintenance of their thick fur it is necessary to have performed regular brushing to remove dead hair, tangling and keep it looking good. Fleas also should control him.
