Caucasian Shepherd Dog Health

Caucasian shepherd dog health - TIPS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: If you really concerned about the quality of the dog is going to acquire, we recommend choosing the Caucasian Shepherd puppy only through a club or a recognized breeding kennel.

It is useful to ensure that the breeder is registered through the official canine and breeding compliance with the parameters indicating the breed club.

Before buying a puppy Caucasus, it is recommended to make sure what kind of dog do you need if aims to have a guard dog race, or you also dream of a new champion, with trabajar- category. Beginners in this matter are wrong when they think that if they buy a puppy with pedigree, acquire directly a champion, no more, and nothing is further from reality. To choose a dog for breeding and exhibitions you have to take into account their ancestors, caucasian shepherd dog health. Go to exhibitions importance multiple number of professionals, such as Talavera de la Reina, or organized by the breed club that should be compulsory. Among the winners and champions you can see what kind of dog you like best, and to decide who you would like your future puppy will look like. After seeing all the dogs live, and you can be clear about the choice he likes.

When you know what you want, you have to decide: a male or a female? The male is generally bigger and stronger than the female, but females are also quite large and beautiful.

If you have children in the family, it is better to have a female, which is also easier to train, has a gentle personality and because of the maternal instinct is affectionate with children, caucasian shepherd dog health, and their characteristics care and alertness with strangers are as good as those of a male.

Males for change should be raised by a dog breeder with experience or who have had other males of this race or the like, knowing their anxiety and problems, and also having its innate fighting characteristics into account. The Caucasus is a very strong dog, and males generally refuse to obey weak and inexperienced owners. The male always tries to be a leader and if he feels that it is, there can be no training, caucasian shepherd dog health. And an uncontrollable dog is a danger at home, with the family, on the street, domestic, etc- animals. Before buying a male puppy, you should think twice and make sure you have enough patience with dogs and will behave as a leader to your dog. The law is the strongest wins, the stronger is the leader. Never forget that dogs take you as brothers own herd.

The advisable to bring the puppy home are two months old. It would be advisable that the breeder will discuss the goal or purpose is the purchase of the puppy and the breeder can help you select a suitable puppy, the one that best conform to your needs. The breeder should advice and information on all aspects of diet, training and puppy care. At the time of pick up the puppy, it must be properly vaccinated and confirmed by health card signed and stamped by a veterinarian, further indicating the terms and classes vaccination, caucasian shepherd dog health. If the puppy was not vaccinated you would risk losing in the first days after purchase. Without vaccination the probability of death is quite high. Puppies vaccinated rarely die because of diseases which have been vaccinated, and if they fall ill anyway, the clinical course of the disease would be cured light and smoothly thanks to the previous vaccination. No vaccine can give a 100% guarantee that your puppy will not fall ill, but surely help to avoid acute illnesses. Only proper care and timely vaccination ensure good health of your dog.

We advise you to choose an active puppy, and with a good appetite.

Do not advised for people who are not specialist dog breeding and education. When necessary, consult specialists breeding club race, and in case of disease consult your veterinarian. The possible neglect in the development of a young dog, caucasian shepherd dog health, can lead to irreversible defects result in the dog as an adult.

We must remember again that when you buy a "super dog" champions, no breeder can guarantee 100% that what you buy will be good for the best. You will be crucial in the development of it, and of course an experienced breeder or specialist on race can help in this matter. It can only be called breeder experienced or specialist, who have long experience in the development of puppies, and therefore have had dogs champions, caucasian shepherd dog health, stars of exhibition born in his kennel and trained by him, who have demonstrated in the sight of all that guardian possess the qualities that he assumed the race. It should not be advised by breeders who buy dogs and adults and have their own experience in growing puppies, who have not been they who have bred a champion dog and temperament.

There are many who praise their dogs and boast the same qualities, but they have never been shown in exhibitions or tests work. Do not trust such breeders, because they obviously have reason to not show their dogs, caucasian shepherd dog health. Only making comparison at exhibitions, one can make about the advantages or disadvantages of a dog. Even when the judge is not fair, the comparison reveals which copies are better view of the present.

Similarly, it is to see the dogs in tests work, what they say, but what you can see with your own eyes is not created.

From experience, there are those who boast much that their dogs are the best and incorruptible guardians, but then do not have the courage to present them in evidence and temper -character work. In addition, the luxury of criticizing the dogs that do give face to the public are allowed, while yours are kept at home, caucasian shepherd dog health, lest anyone can see them and judge them for what they really are. When a breeder is convinced that what you have at home is good, shown in exhibitions and working trials, have no doubt, and otherwise, think that something will have to hide when not publicly displayed along with the rest of presented copies.

Nor should you do if excessive specialists from other races, as each race has its own personality.

Unfortunately, not all veterinarians are trained to give advice on growing Caucasian Shepherd puppies, caucasian shepherd dog health, but fortunately there are exceptions of professionals who have experience with this race and will give you the best recommendations.

The best you can do is consult a breeder or a specialist in a particular race. And when there is need of veterinary help, the breeder can recommend what vet check.

There are cases where the owners go to the vet with rickety puppies or lameness, causing dysplasia together, and instead of dealing with this problem, they are told the owners that they bought a puppy with joint dysplasia innate without knowing well the problem. Well, I think that veterinarians have no right to diagnose congenital malformation when the problem reaches the last owner some time after the purchase and delivery of the puppy, caucasian shepherd dog health.

The cause of the disease or problem may be a wound or injury, misuse of food supplements (or lack thereof), poor diet, have the boxed dog cages few square meters and therefore with limited movements without possibility of exercising musculature, caucasian shepherd dog health, unstable ground where it can not treading firmly, poor maintenance, adverse environmental conditions, accelerating growth, etc.

It is obvious that all birth defects can be easily seen by anyone at the age of 1.5 months. These dogs have the same legs that dogs that were incorrectly raised, caucasian shepherd dog health. All puppies with congenital malformations are rejected, and therefore should not have documents such as pedigree.

Puppies with innate rickets can be cured with a balanced and adequate food, using appropriate food supplements. Rickets can not be cured and developed with an adult dog, caucasian shepherd dog health, when bones are deformed and therefore can only be improved in the period of growth.

Dysplasia in your puppy can be stopped, improving their health with the help of special medicines, additional supplements and good diet with adequate exercise at the initial stage. Remember prestigious studies show that dysplasia itself, caucasian shepherd dog health, but the predisposition to develop it is not inherited, affecting a greater or lesser extent depending on the factors influencing the growth and development of the puppy. Therefore requires the puppy from an owner responsible for its development.

The most common acquired dysplasia is due to trauma or rickets, and is usually manifested at the age of 6 months or forward, and apparently usually limp or joint deformity.

The bones and ligaments of large breed puppies, in this case the Caucasian Shepherd dog, carry a larger load than normal weight, because weight gain the body has acquired quickly. Large breed puppies can earn from 50 to 100 kilos, even in the first year and a half of life. For example, a human increase in their adult weight ratio during 18 years. Therefore, in people dysplasia reveals because of injuries, overweight or elderly, caucasian shepherd dog health, when the joints get older. The same goes for older dogs and dogs that have been working hard or suffered an excessive burden on the joints (sport, hunting, rescue works, etc.), or conversely suffered a sedentary life without possibility of some exercise.


Russia is a country rich in many ways, but it is also true in terms refiere.Tres breeds are shepherd dogs and a terrier born within the army become the perfect example of functional spirit that has always surrounded the dogs Russians. This recruit, product crossroads of many races, native and beyond Russia's borders, has found its place also among the best sheepdogs, caucasian shepherd dog health, as well as the elite dog shows. Completing this first installment of Russian dogs three protective cattle dogs, Shepherd Dog Central Asian Shepherd Dog South Russia and the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, strong, brave, hardworking races.

Black Russian Terrier (Terrier Tchiorny)
In his homeland he is known as Tchiorny Terrier or Chornyi. It is the result of crossing 17 different races, a relatively modern process, as it developed in the twentieth century in order to obtain a watchdog designed to work with the Red Army in military missions, caucasian shepherd dog health. Due to the scrupulous that turned its creation, with this race we break the unwritten rule that their origins are not known with certainty. All steps taken to give light to Black Russian Terrier remained meticulously collected since its inception.

After the Second World War, Russian militias decided they needed to include in its ranks a strong, hardy dog ​​with intimidating appearance, able to save and defend the camps, military bases, etc., in the harsh Russian winter. To do so, caucasian shepherd dog health, he resorted to different indigenous breeds and other foreign, since after the Second World War, purebred specimens were very scarce in this country.

With an elevation of between 66 and 72 centimeters in males, two centimeters less in females, and a robust and rustic look, the Black Russian Terrier has positioned itself as one of the most impressive dogs in the world.

His bone structure and musculature help form a strong dog, with a ratio of length to height at the withers of 100-105.

Their color, how could it be otherwise, is black, but it also has gray hairs. These hairs can never be gray or brown shades, as this is considered a kick in the official standard, caucasian shepherd dog health. Worse it would be that the dog has a brown or gray coat, with red spots, white spots on chin, head, neck or extremities, because they are considered serious offenses.

With the functionality always present during its creation and settlement, their ability to move swiftly and offhand way was a primary objective, caucasian shepherd dog health. This movement is fluid, harmonious and always seems relaxed, even on the trot and gallop, its characteristic rhythms. In the first, the limbs should move in a straight line, with slightly near the middle of its body forelegs. The back and the loin show an elastic movement. This is also due to the conformation of their limbs. In the case of the above, they are placed straight and parallel, with elbows directed either back. The hind legs are too long, straight and parallel to each other, but more separated than before. Musculature, especially in the thigh area, is very marked.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog (Kavkazskaïa Ovtcharka)
This breed has been known by many names that have been given the pastors of the regions where he has served man as watchdog of cattle: Kavkazskaïa Ovtcharka Kawkasky, Ovtcharka, Kavkazskaya Ovtcharka (in Russia), Nagazi (in Georgia) and Gampr (in Armenia). The term most repeated in this succession of names is "ovtcharka", used to refer to livestock guardian dog but not driving. The Caucasus is a region that spans southwestern Russia and some neighboring countries, as we have noted, caucasian shepherd dog health.

To go to its origins, we must go back to the time of development of the Mastiff of Tibet, main predecessor of molosos canine mountain, although some Russian cynologists sweep for house defending the theory that the Russians molosos are even older than the Tibet. There is no evidence that make us opt for one of these theories, but what we can say is that this is a race that has a very extensive old. There is talk that over six centuries protecting the large flocks of sheep in the Caucasus mountains, while others speak of origins that are lost over two thousand years ago, caucasian shepherd dog health. In this regard, it has been recorded that the Armenian tsar Tigran II, who lived in the first century. BC, used large dogs to repel the attack of the Roman legions.

These dogs probably came from Asia, accompanying and serving nomadic tribes. Since then, the race was selected based on its functionality, its effectiveness at work as guardian and his character. It is not until the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, caucasian shepherd dog health, when the concern to standardize the race gains momentum, trying to stem the tendency to cross with other similar breeds such as St. Bernard, which created varieties, or subtypes that did no more than dilute the race. Thus, after the civil war, in the first third of the twentieth century, they began actions to describe and systematize the race. Thus, the first breed standard was written in 1931 by V.

Vaisman. A year later, N. A. Ilyich includes in his book "genetics and breeding dogs" Pastor Caucasus two different types known at the time, Akhaltsikhe and Tushino. In those same years these dogs begin to step on dog shows in the former Soviet Union. In 1936 it was acknowledged that some units participated in the International Exhibition of Paris, caucasian shepherd dog health, being defined by the French press as "red giant" or "death of capitalism"

In 1995, the FCI recognizes Cinología Russian Federation, and two years later a standard that is accepted for the approval stage by the FCI is presented.

We must not forget that it is a watchdog herds to dangerous predators, caucasian shepherd dog health. This means that the race should develop a certain physical and mental qualities. It also had to show distrust of strangers to be more efficient against cattle rustlers. Its standard explains that his defense reactions are manifested actively, and aggressiveness and distrust towards strangers are characteristic of the breed.

Shepherd of Southern Russia (Ioujnorousskaïa Ovtcharka)
Little known outside their homeland, this race has a long tradition as a protector of flocks of sheep on the steppes of Ukraine, in the south of the old Russia, when the late eighteenth century mountain dogs type were introduced there some authors argue that came from the Iberian Peninsula. This is because those dogs came to Russia with flocks of sheep imported from our country, caucasian shepherd dog health. Those dogs, of course, were not adapted to Russian environment, so local pastors began to cross them with dogs to grant it a greater size and power.

Thus, it was possible to build a dog whose raised the minimum sets the standard 65 centimeters for males and three centimeters less in females, caucasian shepherd dog health. They have been recorded descriptions that put its very close to 90 centimeters tall. Its robustness is evidenced see anything else, although it is a small dog, has massive bones and muscles very broad and developed, caucasian shepherd dog health.

In his character traits they stand out as vigor, dominance, strength, but always in a balanced way, far from any trace of shyness, excessive excitability or cowardice.

His head is long, topped by a moderately broad forehead and cranial features, such as the occipital zone or, caucasian shepherd dog health, zygomatic arches well marked. His eyes are oval, placed on the face and sunken oblique way.

His body is slightly higher than long, with a straight and solid back, a short, rounded back, a large but flat chest and belly moderately raised.

His strong and long legs give it the ability to move freely and widely. Its characteristic movement is the trot and canter. During the trot, the legs moving rectilinearly with a slight midline approach, caucasian shepherd dog health. The joints of the front and hind legs are raised freely.

All this is covered by a long slightly wavy hair, ten to fifteen centimeters long, thick, dense, abundant. This hair is of uniform length in the head, limbs, chest and tail. The undercoat is well developed, caucasian shepherd dog health. The color is usually white, but can be also white and yellow, straw color, greyish (ashen gray) and other shades of gray; white lightly marked with gray; gray spots, but are undesirable black, red, brown coats, and very stained.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Sredneasiatskaia Ovtcharka)
This mountain molosoide type of group 2 FCI has a long tradition as the guardian of cattle in wilds of Russia. It has been known as ovtcharka as alabai, caucasian shepherd dog health. Originally, he is associated with the Dogo, although it has also been postulated that this is one of the oldest dog in the world, even more than that. Russian cynologists have supported this theory alluding to the Shepherd of Asia is the oldest livestock guardian dog there. Of course, nothing can be proven, and we must take this as what they really are, simple theories.

The distribution of this dog reached from central Russia to Siberia and Mongolia. Such dispersion helped in many regions crossed with different dogs to completely dilute the original race. However, in other areas the Central Asian Shepherd Dog remained isolated, keeping pure genetics, which allowed reach today, caucasian shepherd dog health. Thus, experts on race have focused on the purest forms of race, having to go to the most remote areas of Takikistán, Uzbejistán and Kazakhstan to find the best specimens, responsible for defending the cattle of dangerous beasts threaten them in the great prairies and plains of these regions, but also thanks to its large and imposing, nomadic peoples to which it belongs.

This dog has rarely left their natural environment to become dog exhibition and company. However, when he has done he has reaped important successes, bringing its popularity to the top. So, to give a clear example of this, caucasian shepherd dog health, at a dog show held in Moscow in 2000, we find no less than 270 copies of the race. In the same year, and outside its borders, are 42 pastors of Central Asia from different countries such as the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Russia.

We are facing a strong dog, of coarse constitution, with an ideal location for a guard dog cattle and property character, that is, suspicious of strangers, faithful to his, with a torpid character most of the time, but that active in a moment when the situation requires, caucasian shepherd dog health.
