Pitbull dog blue nose

Pitbull dog blue nose puppy

Pitbull dog blue nose cute

Pitbull dog blue nose funy

Pitbull dog blue nose smile

Pitbull dog blue nose

Interesting Facts About the Blue Nose Pitbull Dog Breed

American Pitbull Terriers come in many sizes and colors. As a well-known breed of dog, people all over the world love to keep Pit Bull Terriers as pets. More particularly, pet parents are intrigued by the beauty of the Blue Nose Pitbull dog. Many dog ​​lovers are fascinated by these blue nostrils.

These dog breeds are bred like any other Terrier. Some breeders have Blue Nose PitBull kennels to raise Blue Nose Pitbull puppies. However, most people would like to adopt puppies rather than adults, as blue-nosed puppies are easier to train.

One of the fascinating things about Pitbull Blue Nose puppies or adult dogs is the color of their blue nose that gives the dog its same name. Pitbull blue nose Puppies and adult dogs have blue nostrils. At first, it may seem like a Pitbull Terrier's nostril is no big deal to those with little knowledge about Blue-nosed Pitbulls.

However, what they don't know is that blue is a rare color for Pitbull Blue Nose puppies and adult dogs. The color blue cannot be found in most breeds of dogs.

Blue Nose Pitbull looks undeniably gorgeous, and Blue Nose puppies are adorable. There must be something very attractive about a blue colored nostril in American Pitbull Terriers.

If you choose to decide that a Blue Nosed Pitbull is the ideal pet for you, then you made an excellent choice. Plus, there are some fascinating things about your new dog with a blue colored nostril. Here are those things:

These dogs don't always have a blue nose tip

Despite blue-nosed Pitbulls, some of these dogs do not have blue noses. Sometimes the dog may have an incomplete red, blue, or blue nose. Even blue-nosed Pitbull kennels tend to produce puppies that do not have a blue nose. However, even if the dog does not have a blue nose, they are still considered Blue-nosed Pitbulls.

To date, no one has any idea how the dog's nose changes from blue to another color. Do not consider blue-nosed puppies or adults to be imperfect in shape. His nose color is just different.

2. Blue-nosed Pit Bulls are not a separate or different type of Pit Bull breed.


When someone says that blue nostrils are a different breed or a dog of a different Pitbull bloodline, they are either wrong or lying. This dog is an American Pitbull Terrier whose nose is blue.

Just remember that blue-nosed Pitbulls that don't have a blue nose are still considered blue. Beware of breeders or sellers who try to sell you blue-nosed puppies at a high price because the puppies are of a “different bloodline or breed”.

3. Various ailments afflict a blue-nosed pit bull

Like any other dog or animal pet, these Pitbulls are prone to disease. Here is a list of health problems Blue Nose Pitbulls can experience:



Immune disorders

Neurological disorders


Heart diseases


Blue nose Pitbull kennel breeders cause most health conditions. It is because they resort to inbreeding these dogs to increase the chances of obtaining Blue Nose Pitbull puppies.

Don't let the above ailments discourage you from getting a Blue Nose Pitbull as a healthy lifestyle and maintaining health can reduce the chances of this dog suffering from illnesses. When in doubt, consult your trusted vet.

Pitbulls have an unjustified reputation

Some people think the dog is dangerous and feel that his conviction is justified. It is true that the ancestors of Blue-nosed Pitbulls were bred to fight in blood sports, and it is this bloody past that tarnishes the dog's reputation today.

Blood sports are long gone, and cruelty to animals laws ensure that today's Pitbulls don't suffer the same fate as their ancestors, and today's dogs are bred to be family companions to humans. Be aware that a dog that has been improperly bred will possess its old aggressive fighting behavior. Training and socialization are ways to ensure that the dog does not turn into a vicious animal.

sink while using a mild pet shampoo. Rinse the dog well. Next, give the dog a good hairstyle.

But the fact that they sweat so much cannot only be attributed to the fact that they are very active. It's because Pitbulls, like most dogs, lack glands to help them cool off. Therefore, to balance the heat that they feel and circulate within their bodies, they must sweat. It's true even if they don't move much.

14. They have stubborn personalities

Pitbulls' stubbornness can be frustrating as the dog will only do what it wants while ignoring you and whatever commands you give it. Obedience training can teach your Blue Nose Pitbull to obey and heed your commands. Don't be too forceful when disciplining the dog, as he will develop a grudge against you.

15. They were originally bred to compete in blood sports

It's hard to imagine that the friendly and kind Blue Nose Pitbulls started out as a killing machine for the cruel pastime known as blood sports. The main opponent of Pitbull dogs in the arena was generally a bull, as they would bite and grab their victim. Pitbull breeders at this time bred the dogs muscular and they had a jaw with a strong power to bite things. Today, blood sports and dogfighting are against the law, although that hasn't stopped some nasty people from continuing dogfighting.

Choose carefully which Bluebose pitbull kennels you want to buy your own Blue Nose Pitties. Some of these will trick you into paying an exorbitant price for a puppy. If that's the case, you'd better get a dog from other Blue Nose Pits kennels that are fair in their dealings.

16. You are committed to these dogs for a long time

If you are planning to buy a Blue Nose Pitbull Terrier for a dog, you will have to know that you are in it for the long term. It is possible thanks to its long life expectancy. On average, the lifespan of the Pitbull is about 10 to 12 years.

17. They can get quite big and heavy!

A cute blue nosed Pitbull puppy can grow up to 1.5 to 2 feet tall. On top of that, they could also weigh around 30 to 95 pounds depending on how much you feed them. Like all other dog breeds, a Blue Nose Pitbull or puppy would need to have as much protein and activity while they are still young. This would help them grow into strong and healthy blue pit bull dogs as they should be.

18. The American Kennel Club does not recognize them

The American Kennel Club is a widely known and reputable organization in the country. For whatever reason, the AKC does not recognize the typical American Pitbull Terrier or the Blue Nose Pitbull as an official breed of dog. The organization, however, does recognize the American Staffordshire terrier, which is a close relative of the American Pitbull Terrier.

19. Many names were called before being considered "Pitbulls"

Perhaps because it's the terrible reputation of terriers, in the late 1990s San Francisco changed the dog's name from Blue Nose Pitbulls to St. Francis Terriers instead of being a pit bull. The next institution to rename them the “New Yorkies” is the Animal Care and Control of the City of New York. They did this in 2004, but the name didn't stick or take off. Eventually, they were called Blue-nosed Pitbulls and were known to be a rare color of the American Pitbull Terrier breed.

20. They were once the favorites of Americans

Before earning its unwanted reputation, America once loved Pitbulls Terriers, including Blue Nose Pitbulls. The time has come in American history that Pitbulls were seen all over the country.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS About the Blue Nose Pitbull Terrier

What is the difference between a blue nose pit bull and a red nose pit?

The difference between a blue-nosed pitbull and a red nose is very focused on their color. However, it's not just about whether they have different coat colors. The only surprising difference these two dogs have is their noses. One is blue and the other has a red nose. But ultimately, these Pitbull Terriers are the same breed.

How do I know if my pit bull is a blue nose?

The only way to tell if your blue-nosed pit bull or puppy is a legitimate blue-nosed dog is to look up at its nose. If it is gray or light black, then there is a high chance that your pit bull is blue-nosed.

How big will a blue nose pitbull get?

A Blue Nose Pit Terrier or pit can grow to a maximum of 2 feet tall and weigh 95 pounds. However, female Blue Nose Pitbulls are generally over 20 inches tall, weighing only 70 pounds.

Are blue nosed pit bulls dangerous?

Most people believe that these dogs are dangerous and prone to attack, but this is not true. Despite their large head, strong jaw, and muscular body, Pitbulls who are raised properly by a loving family will not grow up to be aggressive or dangerous.

Are Blue Nosed Pit Bulls More Aggressive Than Other Pit Bulls?

In general, Blue Nose Pitbulls are like other Pitbulls - they are extremely friendly, loyal, loving, caring, docile, intelligent, and protective of their owners. They can only become aggressive if there is a threat to their family. Similarly, these dogs are not very sociable with other animals as well.

Blue nostrils keep your eyes blue?

Breeders are taking advantage of people's interest in "rare" dog colors. For this reason, they are breeding more Blue Nose Pitbulls and claim that they are unlike any other type. On the other hand, Blue Nosed Pitties are relatively rare and are not yet recognized by the American Kennel Club. These dogs are not of a different bloodline than the American Pitbull Terrier.

How many puppies can a blue nosed hole have?

Like other Pitbulls, Blue Nose Pitties can have three to ten puppies in their first litter. The numbers vary from case to case.

How much do blue-nosed pitbull puppies cost?

The minimum price for a rare Blue Nose Pitbull can range from $ 600 for the usual pedigree, but can go as high as $ 5000, depending on the breeder.

Should I buy a blue nose pitbull?

As with any other breed of dog, you should seek out a reputable and ethical breeder when looking for a Blue Nose Pitbull. These dogs are relatively rare and can be quite expensive. There are breeders who can take your desire to find a Blue Nose Pitbull and trick you into buying unhealthy puppies. Do a thorough kennel inspection and ask to see the Blue Nose Pitbull parents before you decide to buy your puppy.

Where can I adopt a blue nose pit bull?

The rarity of Blue-nosed Pitbulls makes them prone to abuse by breeders who want to produce as many puppies as possible. This practice not only hurts dogs, it can also make puppies sickly. Avoid buying from these types of breeders.

You can visit Adopt a Pet, Pit Bull Rescue Center, and your local animal shelter and rescue center to help you find the best pet for your family. There are abandoned penalties that include Blue Nose Pitbulls that may need your love more than ever. Average costs for adoption range from $ 0 to $ 300, depending on the services the shelter has provided.

What is it like to have a blue nose pitbull?

Owning a Blue Nose Pitbulls is sure to attract a lot of attention on the streets. The muscular build and fierce appearance of these dogs make people believe that they are dangerous, so you should also take into account people's fear of them. However, as soon as people realize how charming, kind and sweet these suckers are, you are sure to have a growing fan base in your neighborhood.

What are the types of pit bulls?

Surely you already know that this is a controversial topic. When it comes to classifying pit bulls, opinion frequently varies depending on the breeder or owner. Is there a pitbull breed? How many types of pitbull are there? Take a look at the following overview of popular pit bull types, where they come from, how they differ ... and much more.

What is a pit bull exactly?

Pitbull is the name under which the type of dog descended from the bulldog and terrier breeds is recognized. In other words, pit bulls emerged as a "type of dog," not as a breed. These dogs share similar physical characteristics and can be purebred or mixed. Many of them are not even recognized by international associations and kennel clubs 1 2.

See below: What is the Origin of Pitbulls? Know the History and its Ancestors

What are the types of pit bulls?

In general, and especially in the popular sphere, there are usually 5 types of pit bull dogs:

The American Pitbull Terrier (American Pitbull Terrier)

The American Staffordshire terrier (American Staffordshire Terrier)

The American Bully

The American Bulldog

The Staffordshire bull terrier

It should be noted that these are not the only specimens labeled under the name Pitbull. Mixed dogs such as the Chamuco (Mexican pitbull), Spike, Monster Blue, Colby, Stuffawler, Cobra, Tex Mex, Johnsons, Villaliberty and the Pynat are usually included in this group, but the truth is that they are not officially recognized as breeds or like pitbulls. Other mis-called types of pit bull are the bull terrier and the English bulldog.

With that said, let's see what characteristics the true types and sub-types of Pitbulls have and how they differ.

1. American Pitbull Terrier

This is the quintessential pitbull, from which all other pitbulls are believed to have been created. Contrary to what many think, aggressiveness is not a pronounced trait in their behavior. The American Pit Bull Terrier has a friendly and balanced personality, possesses great intelligence and shows a good disposition for work.

Their weight can range between 13 and 25 kilograms (28 and 55 pounds), reaching 6-8 inches taller than other pit bulls; for example, it is usually taller than the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Although it was traditionally bred as a fighting dog and still retains certain aggressive traits, the truth is that the American Pit Bull Terrier is friendly and obedient by nature.

Now, American pit bulls can be divided into two main sub-types: the red-nosed pit bull and the blue-nosed pit bull. These do not represent a separate breed, but rather a particular color of the purebred dog. They have the same personality and the same physical characteristics.

Note: Red-nosed Pit Bulls and Blue-Nosed Pit Bulls are the result of breeding red noses with red noses, or blue noses with blue noses, depending on the desired color.

Red nose pitbull

Characterized by its red nose and copper-colored fur, this is one of the most desired specimens among pitbull dog lovers. They are said to have been brought to America by the Irish, who traditionally used them as co-workers in fattening bulls.

You will be able to identify a "red nose" from birth; puppies are born with the distinctive reddish color not only on their nose, but also on their eyes, nails, and fur. It should be noted that the tone can vary between reddish, brown or copper.

The red-nosed pit bull is like all of his breed: intelligent, trainable, loyal and gentle. It suits most families, especially when you have experience dealing with large, powerful dogs.

Blue nose pitbull

The blue-nosed pit bull is distinguished by its bluish-colored nose and coat. It is considered a rather rare type of pit bull, hence it is extremely desired and admired. Like the red-nosed pit bull, it can also be easily recognized from birth; puppies are born with blue noses, showing blue and gray tones in their nails, eyes and fur.

He is a great lover of family fun. You thrive very well while being kept busy exercising or playing in the yard, but the "blue nose" has a downside, and it comes down to your health.

Because the blue and gray tones are caused by a recessive gene that produces low levels of melanin, these dogs can experience a variety of health disorders, including a weakened immune system, deafness, cataracts, alopecia, and heart problems.

2. American Staffordshire terrier

The American Staffordshire terrier is another type of pit bull, whose origin describes it as a working dog. Their breeding is said to date back to the 1970s, when Americans preferred a versatile working dog.

He is considered to be the strongest and tallest among the different types of pit bulls, weighing approximately 60 to 90 pounds and an average height of 17 to 19 inches. However, their drive to perform very heavy tasks and their level of natural aggression is usually relatively lower.

Fans of the American Staffordshire Terrier will find specimens with a smooth, bicolor or spotted coat. Despite the fact that he is described as a calm pit bull, it is important to note that he still retains his strong instincts.

3. American bully

Also included in the group of pit bulls, the "bully" is a very popular dog. It is the result of the cross between the American Pit Bull Terrier and the English Bulldogs. It can measure between 16 and 20 inches, reaching a weight proportional to its height.

The American bully possesses a strong fighting instinct and a strong drive for hard work, both traits inherited from his parents, but that doesn't stop him from being an excellent family pet.

Being such a popular dog among breeders, different lines of the American bully have already emerged. These are the most recognized subtypes so far:

Bully XL

As its name suggests, this is the largest bully. Males are typically 20-23 inches long, and females 19-22 inches. Although the XL bully's physical appearance is very similar to most bullys, this is a tall, muscular dog with greater volume.

Despite being powerful, he displays a gentle and friendly temperament. Children are often scared by their muscular build, but once they meet each other, the bully XL can become the most beloved member of the family.

Standard bully

The standard bully is considered one of the best specimens of the American bully. In fact, it is said to be very close to the American Pit Bull Terrier. Its general appearance and size is similar to that of the bulldog.

Its body is compact and thick; the head is heavy, broad, and often quite large, although not disproportionate to the body. The muscles around the cheek are very pronounced, although the truth is that his entire body has a muscular structure.

The standard bully displays immense power and stamina, as well as a caring nature, especially towards owners and other family members. Beneath that rugged exterior lurks a dog with excellent socialization skills and an ability to love children. He also appears to be tolerant of strangers.

Extreme bully

The extreme bully is basically a rectification of the standard American bully. They only differ in that their structure and body are heavier. By having very thick bones, these dogs have a greater body mass; however, they retain the same weight and height as the original bully. Of course, the facial structure is usually wider and a little wrinkled.

Classic bully

The classic bully is similar to the standard American bully, but with certain physical differences. The "classic" is lighter, with a compact body, lean muscles, and heavier bones.

His temperament is also very similar to that of the "standard", hence he shows a sociable demeanor and a stable personality. Courage and intelligence are other of his dominant traits.

Pocket bully

As the name suggests, this type of Pit Bull is smaller than others in its group, although it literally does not fit in a pocket. Its body is more compact and has a more beautiful appearance. It is considered the perfect bully for those who want to have a smaller bulldog.

4. American Bulldog

One of the most popular and controversial pit bull breeds, the American bulldog emerged as a guard, working and tracking dog. He was commonly assigned the task of guarding the house or performing tasks that required strength and endurance. It is an assertive, loyal and affectionate dog, hence it is also considered a good companion for the family.

5. Staffordshire bull terrier

Among the types of pit bulls, the Staffordshire bull terrier is considered a lightweight dog, whose weight can range between 24 and 38 pounds, and its height between 14 and 16 inches 4. As its name suggests, it was first bred in Staffordshire , England, where coal miners began looking for a lighter, faster and more reliable working dog.

It is a compact, muscular and agile dog. While many pit bulls can display territorial behavior towards other dogs and animals, this one shows a friendly nature, particularly with children. Staffordshire bull terriers are smart, funny and full of vitality. The strong bond they develop with their owners makes them one of the best family dogs.

So far we have seen the 5 main types of Pitbull and their sub-types, but it is worth mentioning that there are other mixed breeds that are also accepted and included in this group by organizations such as the Dog Registry of America and the International Designer Canine Registry. For example:

The pitweiler (cross between pitbull and rottweiler). It is a muscular dog that, although it may seem intimidating, the truth is that it is far from it. When trained and socialized from an early age, the Pitweiler makes a loving and loyal companion.

The pitsky (cross between pitbull and husky). The pitsky can be obtained by crossing a pit bull dog and an Alaskan husky or a Siberian husky. The result is a playful, intelligent and affectionate mix. It is considered suitable for families with an active lifestyle.

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Quick answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Why are there so many types of pit bull dogs?
