Siberian husky dog breed

Siberian husky dog breed male

Siberian husky dog breed adopt

Siberian husky dog breed blue eye

Siberian husky dog breed white

Siberian husky dog breed

What are the true types of Siberian Husky?

Most people can't help but wonder at the beauty of this very special dog. With a majestic body, stunning eyes, and an affectionate temperament, the Siberian Husky is one of the most loved and sought-after pet dogs in the world.

Are there several types of Siberian husky?

Contrary to what many think, the Alaskan malamute, the Alaskan husky, the Greenland dog, the akita, among others, are not types of Siberian husky. They are similar in appearance, but they do not belong to the same breed.

The Siberian husky is a unique breed, originally from Siberia as its name indicates. At first they were developed for herding work, transport by sleds, and were even used as a source of heat to protect the little ones from the cold.

Among its main characteristics we have:

Typically they are dogs with robust musculature, almond eyes, a medium head and erect ears.

Depending on gender, they can measure 21 to 23 inches and weigh between 45 and 60 pounds.

They show a kind, intelligent, docile personality, hence they can easily adapt to most homes.

However, there is a very important characteristic that can vary in Siberian huskies, leading to the identification of different dogs within the same breed. It is nothing more and nothing less than the color of his cape.

Types of Siberian husky: colors and markings

Some people believe that huskies, like the Siberian husky, can only be 3 colors: black, white, or gray. The truth is that, although the coat of many specimens mostly fits into these shades, the Siberian husky can develop multiple variations within that spectrum.

White siberian husky

Pure white is perhaps the rarest color for Siberian specimens. This white (or the absence of color) is the result of the complete restriction of pigment in the dog's body. A true white Siberian will have liver or black spots (nose, around the eyes and mouth), and his undercoat will also be pure white or silver.

Siberian husky black and white

The undercoat of a black and white Siberian can be white, charcoal, fawn, or a mix of these three. The top coat can be jet black to a dilution known as "salt and pepper," which makes the dog appear almost gray.

Although it is not very common, in some specimens a certain reddish tone can be observed in the black coat, especially if it has been exposed to the sun for long periods of time.

Gray siberian husky

These Siberians can display three shades of gray: wolf gray, silver gray, and medium / dark gray.

Wolf gray is a reflection of the agouti gene, which gives each individual hair a range of color; This gene produces a warm gray shade of gray with beige, tan or red behind the ears, on the legs and on the back. The undercoat is typically beige in color.

The silver-gray Siberian husky is the complete opposite of the wolf gray, exhibiting a complete restriction of the agouti gene. As a result, the coat has a silver or blue hue, with no traces of red, brown, or beige. Sometimes the gray can be so diluted that it can look completely bluish. The inner layer of these specimens is white.

The gray tone, medium or dark, is the most common of the grays. Traces of red or tan can be seen, and the undercoat is a mix of beige with silver.

Agouti siberian husky

Siberians with agouti fur are not very common. These specimens look almost exactly like a wolf, with special markings and branded coats. The face is usually dominated by a dark mask (dirty face look), which extends downward across much of the body.

The inner layer is charcoal in color, while the outer layer can be a mixture of black, brown, red or gray. The nose, around the eyes and the mouth are dark, since there is never dilution in color.

Red or copper Siberian husky

These colors show a great variety of shades. They usually have a white or cream lower body, combined with light reddish, copper, orange or dark chocolate upper areas. The dots are always liver colored.

The main difference between a copper-colored Siberian husky and a red one is that in the former, lighter tones are observed and close to orange or yellow (copper color in the left quadrant, red color in the right quadrant).

Sable siberian husky

These huskies typically have a reddish-brown hue and black-tipped hairs. They are born with a dark gray coat, but they acquire a redder hue as they age. The undercoat can vary between different shades (red, chocolate, or copper), but it is never beige. The spots in this type of Siberian husky are always black, hence they are commonly known as "black-nosed red."

Pinto siberian husky

"I paint" is not a color, but a pattern. The Siberian Pinto can have any of the above colors, with an excess of white on the shoulders and front legs.

Spotted siberian husky

The spotted pattern is quite rare in Siberian huskies. The white color in the dog's coat exceeds 30%, breaking its coloration and creating unique spots or marks. Some specimens can become totally white, except for a single point.

Types of Siberian husky: characteristics of the coat

Taking into account the appearance of their double-coated coat, 2 general types of Siberian husky have been differentiated. These are:

The short-haired Siberian husky

It is the accepted standard coat for this breed 4. It is a plush coat, very similar to the appearance of a stuffed animal. It consists of two layers: an inner layer of soft, fine and slightly curly hair to better trap hot air, and a top layer made up of straight, long and thick hairs that provide protection against cold, UV rays and humidity.

The long-haired Siberian husky

Also known as a wooly Siberian husky, this is a variety within the same breed, characterized by the presence of a much thicker undercoat and a much longer outer coat than the coats on its brother's coat.

Wooly specimens are not accepted in dog shows and competitions; although they are still true Siberian huskies, their coat is considered a failure to standard.

Types of Siberian husky: eye color

Many admirers of the breed assume that all Siberian huskies have such captivating blue eyes, but they do not know that the uniqueness of these dogs can go even further.

These huskies typically have a reddish-brown hue and black-tipped hairs. They are born with a dark gray coat, but they acquire a redder hue as they age. The undercoat can vary between different shades (red, chocolate, or copper), but it is never beige. The spots in this type of Siberian husky are always black, hence they are commonly known as "black-nosed red."

Pinto siberian husky

"I paint" is not a color, but a pattern. The Siberian Pinto can have any of the above colors, with an excess of white on the shoulders and front legs.

Spotted siberian husky

The spotted pattern is quite rare in Siberian huskies. The white color in the dog's coat exceeds 30%, breaking its coloration and creating unique spots or marks. Some specimens can become totally white, except for a single point.

Types of Siberian husky: characteristics of the coat

Taking into account the appearance of their double-coated coat, 2 general types of Siberian husky have been differentiated. These are:

The short-haired Siberian husky

It is the accepted standard coat for this breed 4. It is a plush coat, very similar to the appearance of a stuffed animal. It consists of two layers: an inner layer of soft, fine and slightly curly hair to better trap hot air, and a top layer made up of straight, long and thick hairs that provide protection against cold, UV rays and humidity.

The long-haired Siberian husky

Also known as a wooly Siberian husky, this is a variety within the same breed, characterized by the presence of a much thicker undercoat and a much longer outer coat than the coats on its brother's coat.

Wooly specimens are not accepted in dog shows and competitions; although they are still true Siberian huskies, their coat is considered a failure to standard.

Types of Siberian husky: eye color

Many admirers of the breed assume that all Siberian huskies have such captivating blue eyes, but they do not know that the uniqueness of these dogs can go even further.

Sakhalin Husky

This breed, now almost extinct, arose on Karafuto, a Japanese island also known as Sakhalin. Its Eskimo dog appearance has led to it being often confused with the Siberian husky or the Akita. Some experts assure that the three races had the same ancestor, hence their coat is equally prepared to withstand the low temperatures of winter.

Compared to the Siberian husky, the Sakhalin is a larger, robust and heavier animal. Although both share the name "huskies", the second is not as stubborn as the first.

Siberian Husky

If you are thinking of adopting an adult Siberian husky or puppy you have entered the right place, in this AnimalWised breed tab we are going to detail everything about the Siberian husky including curiosities about its character, behavior, social relationship with other animals and specific care. In short, everything you need to know about this wonderful dog.

Before you start, you should know that the Siberian husky is born thanks to the "Chukchi" tribe originally from Chukotka, Russia. The tribe, which still inhabits cold and unpopulated environments, used it as a companion dog, a deer herder, a sled puller, and even to keep children warm on frigid nights. It was later used for some similar purposes in Alaska, USA.

Physical appearance

Huskies are large, strong and muscular dogs that adapt to different climates by modifying their own fur according to the environment in which they live. It is for this reason that we must bear in mind the shedding of the Siberian husky in the spring and autumn months. It will be during this period that we will intensify brushing. The length of his hair is medium.

The Siberian husky clearly reminds us of the wolf. They show a white face, framed by a red, brown, blonde, gray or black crown. It will depend on each specimen to show one color or another. Above it shows two pointed and triangular ears. Some specimens may be completely white.

As for the eyes, they are usually hazel brown or sky blue, although the species shows heterochromia on certain occasions, the mutation that offers an eye of each color. At the end of the loin we find a thick tail that curls over the back and falls down when relaxed.

Siberian husky character

The Siberian husky is not only one of the most popular pets due to its physical appearance, it is its character that makes this breed of dog special. In general, they are affectionate, playful and friendly dogs that enjoy being in the middle of the family nucleus. Sometimes he can be somewhat distant with strangers, nothing to do with the direct dealings he may have with us: people he trusts.

The history of the husky is intertwined with the daily routine of women and children, for that reason, you should not worry if your husky and your child play long hours as long as they are both well educated. The little ones in the house must learn to play with the dog quietly, while the dog must know what limits to respect. If you are not sure that the game can turn out 100% right (either because of one or the other) be always present and avoid an unwanted situation from happening.

It is a breed that enjoys the company of other dogs both at home and outside of it. For this reason and to avoid behavior problems in the future we must socialize our husky puppy. Socializing a dog allows it to be able to communicate with other pets, people and objects without fear or aggression. It is very important that we dedicate time to develop knowledge of the outside world since it will make us enjoy a social dog, without fear and happy.


The Husky is a dog that is usually in excellent health. Some problems of this breed are derived from the specimens that show light eyes and that can develop cataracts, corneal dystrophy or progressive retinal atrophy. Cancer can also appear in older specimens. Elbow or hip dysplasia are rare.

Husky care

The husky is a dog that generally requires a high dose of daily exercise. That will depend on each individual specimen, so we cannot determine exactly how many times you should walk your dog, that will depend on some specific factors. Of course, what we must be clear about is that you will need to take long walks and even exercise if we observe something nervous. Discover in Animal Expert exercise to practice with an adult dog.

It is known as a walking dog, which if it does not remain under surveillance is capable of walking and forgetting where its home is. For this reason we recommend using the chip and having an identification plate with your phone number on your necklace.

Like any other dog, it must have basic elements at its disposal such as a bed, food and drinker, toys, chews or treats. Everything you need to be one more member of the family.

The husky's food should always be of high quality (like that of any other dog). We will look at the amount that the container recommends for its weight and we will follow the instructions. An excess could be overweight for our beloved pet. Especially at the time of shedding or when we observe it impoverished, we should consult the veterinarian about the option of administering vitamins to help improve its appearance.
