Siberian husky dog size

Siberian husky dog size snow

Siberian husky dog size puppy

Siberian husky dog size cute

Siberian husky dog size male

Siberian husky dog size 

Characteristics of the Siberian Husky

Height at the withers: from 53.5 to 60 cm for the male and from 50.5 to 56 cm for the female

Weight: 20.5 to 28 kg for the male and 15.5 to 23 kg for the female

Layer: all colors supported

Average life span: twelve years

Character: independent and easygoing, but also very friendly and affectionate

Relationship with children: very good

Relationship with other dogs: good

Skills: sled dog and companion dog (but not guard dog)

Space needs: you need a lot of exercise

Siberian Husky diet: 450 g. dry complete food (maintenance ration for a sedentary adult living at home)

Fix: very reduced

Maintenance cost: medium

Siberian Husky are known around the world for being friendly, playful dogs and great family pets. Remember that the Chukchis, who were the ones who gave rise to the breed, raised the dogs in a family atmosphere, within their homes and with their children. Dogs grew up as part of the family. The Siberian Husky will be loyal to those in his family, but will still be friendly to anyone they come across, although in fact, a Siberian Husky can never have too many friends.

Knowing this, it is no surprise that the Siberian Husky has earned its reputation for being one of the friendliest and most people-oriented breeds. If you are looking for a watchdog or menacing presence in your home to guard against strangers, then you better keep looking ... the Husky will tend to welcome an intruder with a friendly lick rather than a threatening bark. The balanced temperament of the dog and its ability to get along with people have to do with its origins. Dogs were bred by the women and children of the Chukchi tribe and because of this they are used to being with and being cared for by people.

Husky are also very tractable, as they had to be extremely docile to discipline to perform the tasks that were entrusted to them. The sled driver had to have the utmost confidence in his dogs, as he depended on their being able to reliably follow a trail and find their way to food and back to the village. When the man and the dog are out in the icy tundra, there are no signs to tell them where to turn, no gas stations to stop to ask which way to go, and getting lost in those conditions is life-threatening. Anyway, today, the biggest "food hunting" effort that our pet Husky will likely be involved in will be something like walking to the corner store with its owner, but trainability and dependency still form an important part of his character.

Siberian Husky not only take training well, they need it. Husky need discipline. The driver of a sled had to rely on the ability of his dogs to respond to his vocal commands. These dogs had to be extremely serious, especially the lead dog. So the Huskys look to a leader to lead them. As you know, the role of the leader is yours: it is your job to hold the reins.

The Husky was bred first and foremost to be a working dog, and this instinct still forms a large part of the dog's personality. Since the average Husky dog ​​owner as a pet will not use this dog for hunting or pulling a sled, the dog needs to redirect its energy to other activities. When not being used for work, the Siberian Husky must exercise, or else he will get bored. A bored dog will find some way to entertain himself, which could lead to problems for his garden, his furniture, his shoes, etc. By this we do not mean that every dog ​​will have destructive behavior when he has nothing else to do, but wouldn't you like to control how your dog spends his free time? In addition, making your dog occupy your time gives you the opportunity to spend time together, constantly reinforcing the bond that you formed when he was just a puppy.

While your Husky adapts to very cold temperatures, excessive heat may be annoying for him. Remember the arctic climate: he is well equipped for the Siberian Husky snow and ice, but not for heat and humidity. Remember that and always provide access to shade and fresh water. Never leave it in a parked car when the weather is warm. Dogs of Nordic descent are practically intolerant of heat and will die from overheating in a short period of time.

Siberian Kusky are also well known for their cleanliness. Although they change the coat, this is not a hygienic problem.

The flip side of Husky ownership

So the gregarious personality and gentle manner of the Siberian Husky are exactly what you are looking for in a dog! You think that the Siberian Husky must be the perfect breed for you. Well, as with everything, the coin has two sides. Although few, there are negatives to owning this dog, so weigh them carefully against the positives before making your decision.

First of all, Siberian Husky shed their coat. That thick, woolly fur is beautiful to look at and a joy to hold, but will it feel the same when the fur is on your clothes and furniture rather than on the dog? At least once a year, your Husky will shed his fur, so be prepared. Also keep in mind that many people can be allergic to a dog that has that much hair. The new owners have found, to their dismay, that they are constantly sneezing when around their Husky even though they had never been allergic to the family dog ​​they grew up with as children (a Pug, a Poodle or a Labrador Retriever).

Second, we know that dogs generally love to scratch. Anyway, Husky really love to dig. It appears that this habit has its origin in its instinct to dig a hole in the ground to keep warm while resting on the snow tundra. Digging in the ground is better than digging in the snow, as it is much warmer. Unless you want to leave the landscape to its own devices or provide your dog with an area in the yard to dig in, this shouldn't be a problem. However, if you think this will really bother you and that you will spend most of your time being angry with the dog, then again, find another breed.

Third, Husky runs, and they run fast. If you are looking for a dog to train off the leash for an outing to the beach or park, you'd better choose a different breed. All Nordic races tend to run away. For a Husky it is a romantic concept: explore the unknown, run in the wind, conquer the limits of the earth. Take your Husky on a leash, or you may never see him again. This is a risk that must be admitted, since it also indicates that a dog that likes to run and dig also likes to escape. If you don't have a fenced yard, then you have two options: 1. Get a different breed, or 2. Get a fence - a good one.

Siberian Husky Breed Specific Health Problems

The Siberian Husky, like other purebred dogs, tends to suffer from certain hereditary and congenital diseases. Breeders around the world are working hard to reduce these problems by subjecting their animals to veterinary testing and excluding any affected animals from their breeding programs. Regarding the Siberian Husky, breeders are concerned about the eyes and hips. The health warnings given here are not to discourage a potential Husky owner, but only to raise awareness so that you can provide the best possible care.

Eye problems Few will argue that the eyes are one of the most attractive features of this breed. It is, of course, ironic that breeders should care to preserve the sight of these precious Husky eyes. However, eye problems are the most prevalent. Potential owners should not be put off by this information. The incidence of the problems is really low in the breed as a whole, maybe five percent.

Glaucoma. It is an increase in the internal pressure of the dog's eyeball. Your drainage channel narrows and becomes blocked, and increased pressure can lead to blindness. All Siberian Husky should be screened for it at one year of age, and if it indicates a predisposition to it, then it cannot be bred. Dogs that are labeled "predisposed" should be tested annually, and those that do develop glaucoma are labeled "affected."

Hereditary cataracts. They cause a cloudiness in the eye that can end up causing blindness. They can be operated on, but the eyesight of an affected dog cannot recover to the level of a normal dog. Annual checkups will help detect them, but a dog affected by them should not be raised. Bilateral cataracts, also known as juvenile cataracts, occur in young dogs, and are inherited in the Siberian Husky. In these, the most frequently identified cataracts are found in the posterior subcapsular axial region of the lens (crystalline). These cataracts mature as the dog gets older.

Hip dysplasia

Hip dysplasia (CD), is the most common canine orthopedic problem, it affects the normal development of the hip joint. All affected dogs are born with normal hips, but they deteriorate by two years of age. In dysplastic dogs, the femur does not fit properly in the acetabulum or fossa of the hip joint.

As the Siberian Husky is bred as a sled pull dog, its ability to run with strength and endurance is equivalent to its reason for living. Considering that hip dysplasia renders a dog unable to do the job it was bred for, breeders place a lot of emphasis on eliminating DC from the breed. Its incidence in the Husky is estimated to be approximately four to five percent, which is considered low compared to other larger breeds, in which this incidence can be 40 to 50 percent.

Siberian Husky tested for DC can get four types of results: 1. Free of DC; 2. Mild DC; 3. moderate DC; and 4. severe DC. Most of them fall into categories 1 and 2, and only DC free dogs should be included in the breeding programs. This can be a heartbreaking situation for the breeder who has a champion without any failure except that he falls into category 2. Not all dogs will show signs of degeneration. These dogs, however, are carriers and can transmit the disease to their offspring. Potential owners should inquire about the puppies' parents, grandparents, and other close relatives. As the mechanism of inheritance is not fully understood, great caution is advised.

In addition to excluding dysplastic dogs from breeding programs, breeders also take other precautions to ensure that dogs suffering from DC do not enter their lines. Environmental factors also concern breeders, as do hereditary ones. Providing puppies with slip-resistant surfaces in their nests will prevent ungainly puppies from injuring their fragile bones and ligaments. Similarly, diets that do not contain supplements and are low in fat are recommended to prevent puppies from gaining more weight than their skeleton can support. Owners of young puppies should also put a limit on the types of exercises their puppies do. Violent play and unsupervised jumping should be excluded from the exercise regimen as they can cause damage to the Husky's growing bones and joints.

His sweet look does not deceive, as the Siberian Husky is affectionate and a good playmate. It is also a breed of curious dogs and a bit mischievous, so ... try to set the limit for them from puppies!

These dogs like to share activities both inside and outside the home, so they are a good option for active people. Discover in this article what else is hidden behind those beautiful crystalline eyes.

Main characteristics of the Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky are medium-sized working dogs with an agile and light build. They have a compact and well balanced body. Their neck is arched and they tend to tilt it forward when in motion. The back is straight, with a strong and well leveled loin. The chest is deep and not too wide.

On the other hand, the legs have a solid structure. Neither the front nor the rear are completely parallel. The feet are oval and completely covered with hair. The tail looks like a brush and is carried on the back in the shape of a sickle, without settling on the back.

The skull of these dogs is rounded in its upper line, with a size proportional to the body. The muzzle tapers towards the nose, which has a color in tune with the coat; it can also be flesh-colored. The eyes are almond-shaped and oblique, in shades of brown, blue or with heterochromia (each of a different color). The ears are triangular and hairy.

Finally, the coat is double-layered. The undercoat is very dense and smooth, while the outer coat is straight and quite long. Among the most common colors are black, brown, red and pure white. Different patterns usually appear on the fur on the head.

What character do Siberian Husky have?

These dogs are usually very affectionate and love to be pampered. They will adapt without problems to family life, establishing meaningful relationships with all members of the household. Their favorites are almost always children, with whom they are very protective.

Their personality is independent and don't expect them to be behind you all day. However, they will seek your attention when they feel like playing. Siberian Husky are curious and mischievous, so be careful that they don't try to be too smart. Like a young child, they will measure how far their limits go.

On the other hand, they are very sociable dogs, who will welcome anyone who comes to the home. Therefore, they are not recommended as guard dogs. They will be just as friendly with other dogs. In addition, they have a pack personality, which means that they need to feel part of the pack and be able to trust a strong leader.

Despite their innate friendliness, Siberian Husky are difficult to educate. Their mischief and intelligence make them difficult students. They are not dogs for beginners or for people with a very permissive temperament. Training must be firm and consistent to achieve good results. Patience is key, as they will constantly test your leadership.

A Siberian Husky rarely barks, but tends to howl. Obedience training is critical to managing this noisy behavior, although don't expect it to go away entirely.

How to care for a Siberian Husky

Due to their intense energy, it is not recommended that a Siberian Husky live in small apartments or in houses without a patio. They could only adapt if your outdoor physical activity needs are well covered. A bored Siberian Husky is like a tornado, making time for them with play sessions, walks, and dog sports a must.

One thing you should keep in mind is that they are true escape artists. They can jump fences or dig underneath, climb boxes, or take off their collar. To avoid troubles, detect the weak points in your patio and make sure there is no risk of leakage. One way to control their digging needs is to give them a safe space to let off steam.

During outings, always carry them tied, as they love to snoop beyond what is recommended and will not always remember the way back. They also tend to chase small animals (not for hunting instincts, but to play with them).

While they can adapt to living in temperate climates like the Mediterranean, they won't have a good time during the hottest times. Husky love the cold and play in the snow. Cutting their hair very short in summer is not a good idea for their skin.

In reality, their fur needs little attention. One brushing a week will suffice. However, there are twice a year when they shed large amounts of hair. It is in those moments when you should intensify the use of the brush. Baths will only be needed every four to six months, as they tend to clean themselves. Yes, just like felines do.

History of the Siberian Husky

The Husky lived from time immemorial with the Chukchi tribe in northern Siberia. Their duties were to accompany hunters, help transport food, and keep children warm during the freezing nights in the village. Isolated for centuries in this inhospitable region, the purity of the breed was maintained for generations.

As early as the 20th century, during the Alaska Gold Rush, they were used for transportation by fortune seekers. Due to their great resistance and speed they were perfect for the legendary sled races through these landscapes. The variety continued to develop and is considered genuinely American today.

Curiosities of the Siberian Husky

His imposing appearance and affectionate temperament are very attractive. However, the curious and mischievous nature of the Siberian Husky is not always taken into account, so some end up being abandoned. The Husky is not a stuffed animal and requires your time.

Did you know that they are considered a heroic race due to an event that occurred in 1925? In the middle of a huge snowstorm, they were able to pull a sled over a thousand kilometers in just five days to search for a medicine that would save the lives of dozens of people.

"Balto", which even has a statue in New York's Central Park, and "Togo" were two of the protagonists of this feat. The story has even been taken to the big screen.
