Husky dog puppy image

Husky dog puppy image

Husky dog puppy image

Husky dog puppy image

Husky dog puppy image

Husky dog puppy image


One breed of dog that has won everyone's heart is undoubtedly the Siberian Husky. With his captivating gaze, great talents, and intelligence, he has graced magazine covers and featured in film productions. At first, they were used as sled dogs in North Asia, but their popularity has gradually increased and is present all over the world, Husky dog puppy image.

Despite the beauty of the Siberian Husky, it is not a breed for everyone. Why? Because he has complex character traits that you might not like at all. Keep reading to learn about this strong, beautiful, independent dog and a great family companion.

History and origin of the Siberian Husky dog

The origin of the Siberian Husky can be traced to a nomadic tribe in northwestern Siberia called the Chukchi. Although the exact beginning of this breed is not known, genetic research has shown that it is one of the oldest dog breeds.

The nomads of the Asian part of the Russian Federation used the strength and speed of the Siberian Husky to use it in their means of transport. They also began to domesticate them and adopted them as one more member of the family, giving them the appropriate care and affection.
History and origin of the Siberian Husky dog

At the beginning of the 20th century, specifically in 1908, the Siberian Husky after spreading through Asia and Europe came to America. In Alaska specifically, it served as a sled dog while the gold rush occurred and they also began to be included in sled racing, where they continue to excel.

This breed was thriving thanks to its export from Siberia and today it is recognized as a breed of dog by the main organizations in the area. Likewise, specific associations of the Siberian Husky have been created that are dedicated to different activities related to these canines.
Physical characteristics of the Siberian Husky dog

The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized dog, whose appearance is surprising to the naked eye. On average, adult males are between 53.5 and 60 centimeters tall, while females reach between 50.5 and 56 centimeters. The weight of the adult male is between 20.5 and 28 kilos; For their part, females can weigh from 15.5 to 23 kilos. You can see more about its standard here.

Their coat of fur can come in all colors, but some of the most famous have silver tones and other dark colors mixed with white. A Siberian Husky is characterized by its speed, lightness and elegant demeanor with a smooth and effortless gait.

It has a compact, fur-filled body, its medium pointed ears stand erect and it has a brush tail. It shows a physical complexion and body shape that combine to give it power, endurance and speed with a life expectancy of approximately 12 years.

Physical characteristics of the Siberian Husky dog
Character and personality of the Siberian Husky dog

The Siberian Husky dog is used to a leader telling him what to do. For this reason, training him is not complicated. The breed is usually obedient and respectful, although it sometimes likes to take control of the situation.

In case your dog wants to break the rules, you should not allow it. You have to demonstrate your leadership with attitude, without blows or abuse. He will understand. This canine sees his human as a guardian who provides him with food, treats, toys and other necessary elements. That is why he respects it.

This breed likes to get away, so it is recommended to seal any space where it can sneak around. Otherwise he will go for walks alone and that can lead to serious accidents or prevent him from coming back.

The Siberian Husky is known as a high-energy dog, which becomes destructive, especially if he is bored. For this reason, you should keep him exercising so that they do not destroy your house when you leave him alone. They also like to dig in the garden, but if you train it will not harm your flowers.

His mischievous and playful nature makes the Siberian Husky fall in love with his owners. In addition, they have no problem socializing with other dogs and with people, as they like to show their talents and make friends.

Unlike most breeds, these dogs do not bark, instead they love to howl, which can be annoying. A negative point of their character is that unfortunately they do not function as watchdogs because they do not tend to be suspicious of strangers and will not alert in case of intruders.
Siberian Husky puppies

Siberian Husky puppies generally display a pleasant temperament; They are curious and playful and they like to be with people. It is recommended to meet one of his parents to get an idea of the character, because this way you will know what he will be like in his adult life and you will guarantee that everything goes well.
Siberian Husky puppies

It is recommended that the puppies of this breed come into contact with people, objects, sounds, images and training from a young age. These socialization tasks allow the Siberian Husky to grow up to have a well-formed personality with all of its senses functioning as they should.

If you have a puppy, take advantage of taking it for a walk to crowded places so that they can improve their social skills. Otherwise, it will be an unruly dog that you want to get out of as soon as possible.

Before buying a Siberian Husky puppy, dedicate yourself to knowing all the details of the breed so that you do not get disappointed. Always opt for guaranteed breeders who will deliver you a healthy specimen that is free from genetic diseases and has a good behavior, Husky dog puppy image.

Choose puppies that have been raised in clean environments with well-cared for parents. It is also recommended to submit them to temperament tests, do an analysis, deworm them and socialize them so that the beginning of life is healthy and safe. Find a good breeder who will show you the health proofs of the parents and thus you will avoid many future problems.
Food and health of the Siberian Husky dog

With regard to food, the Siberian Husky is easily maintained thanks to its genetics. Due to their origins as transport dogs at low temperatures, food was eaten less frequently during long journeys.

For this reason, an adult Siberian Husky can easily be kept on two cups of high-quality feed per day, divided into two servings, as long as it is of high quality. However, the amount of food required depends on the characteristics of each animal, such as size, age, structure, metabolism and activity level.
Food and health of the Siberian Husky dog

Not all require the same amount of food, as active dogs require more than sedentary ones. Remember to buy food that meets the necessary nutrients for optimal development and consult a veterinarian for those appropriate foods that promote health.

The Siberian Husky is characterized by being a breed of great health; however, like other dogs, they are exposed to some pathologies.

Huskies are generally healthy, but like all breeds, they are prone to certain health conditions. Among the most common diseases in this species are some related to vision, which are:

    Cataracts: consists of a disease that affects vision because the lens of the eye becomes opaque. It is distinguished by the fact that the eye becomes cloudy. They usually appear in old age and are solved with a surgical intervention.
    Corneal dystrophy: this pathology occurs in the cornea, which is the transparent outer part of the eye, due to the accumulation of fat in the organ of vision. It usually affects young women more and there is no cure, although it does not seem to cause problems with seeing.
    Progressive retinal atrophy: a degenerative pathology of the eye that can lead to blindness because the light receptors at the back of the eye are lost. This condition is detected before causing blindness and fortunately a dog can live happily and fully even though he cannot see.
    Hip dysplasia: it is a very common disease in canines, which is characterized by the fact that the hip joint does not develop normally.

All these health problems are quite well known by breeders, who carry out a periodic evaluation with ophthalmologists so as not to breed a Siberian Husky with such health conditions. Likewise, those specimens with hip disease are withdrawn from breeding programs in order to prevent the diseases from continuing to be transmitted.

It goes without saying that to maintain the general health of the Siberian Husky it is necessary to take him regularly to a consultation with the veterinarian, to perform a detailed evaluation in order to detect any problem and correct it in time to avoid greater evils.
Siberian Husky dog care

Something is guaranteed with a Siberian Husky: there will be no time for boredom. An adult specimen of this breed requires a daily exercise routine between 30 and 60 minutes, which is something basic in its care. They are an excellent companion for jogging, as long as it is not in hot climates because they prefer the cold.

Despite its size and physical activity, a small garden will be enough to drain its energy. Remember that if you leave it alone in your apartment, the safest thing is that when you return you will be in for a not good surprise. Take him with you for hiking and other outdoor sports to keep him healthy and happy.

If you want the beauty of the Siberian Husky to always be present, you will have to perform the basic cleaning routines of any breed: bathing him or when necessary, brush it constantly to remove dead hair, clean the ears and brush the teeth. Without much effort, your pet will stay shiny all the time.
Education and training of the Siberian Husky

Education and training are not a problem for the Siberian Husky because it is very intelligent. On the contrary, it is necessary to train them to learn the basic rules of obedience that will help you keep it under control for most of the time.

In your own home you can teach him the necessary tasks to help you master it, but you also have the option of investing in specialized classes. It all depends on how much you want to exploit the talent of these canines.
Education and training of the Siberian Husky

Something curious happens with these canines: while they are in class they behave perfectly, follow instructions and carry out orders, but at home they may not pay attention at all.

If this happens to you, you should be very patient and stay calm. Do not mistreat your dog because he will be counterproductive. Talk to him with love and he will listen to you. With dedication and the correct techniques, you will be able to establish a lasting relationship where there will be a lot of love.

Within the main trainings of the Siberian Husky, breeders recommend crate training, which becomes a shelter and keeps them safe when they feel tired. On the other hand, leash training becomes an obligation, as these dogs should never be left loose in open spaces.

When you go out for a walk with your dog, always keep him on a leash because he loves to run and get lost. If you do not follow this recommendation, you will surely lose it and you may not see it again. It has nothing to do with you, it is in his adventurous nature.

Before deciding on a Siberian Husky puppy as a new member of your family, it is better that you evaluate if he will meet your needs and adapt to your lifestyle. Although puppies are playful and fun, they take a lot of time and effort before he becomes the dog of your dreams because they require constant exercise.

The Siberian Husky is independent, friendly, elusive, affectionate. Remember that he is more like a companion dog than a guard animal. If you think you meet the profile to have a Siberian Husky, go ahead.

This beautiful dog will be easy to train, will not require very complex care, will remain healthy and will become the best friend of all the members of the family during an average life of 12 years, Husky dog puppy image.
