labrador retriever puppies for sale

labrador retriever puppies for sale


The Labrador Retriever is a dog that needs to be in continuous movement to be well: let's see all the information and some curiosities of one of the most appreciated breeds in the world, labrador retriever puppies for sale.

The Labrador Retriever, commonly known only as Labrador, is a breed of dog that originated from the 19th century. It is a dog that has incredible physical resistance and literally loves the water. If he has the opportunity to take a bath or a dip, he will be happy to do so.

One of the characteristics of the Labrador Retriever is that of being an incredibly versatile dog. It is not only a companion dog, but is also suitable for training as a hunting dog, especially as a scent hound.

He gives his best, even as a drug dog, to find explosives or as a tracking dog. In several countries it is also used as a guide dog for blind people. In addition, given its sociability and low aggressiveness, it is a perfect breed for pet therapy.

The Labrador Retriever is a dog that loves to be with the family and has a great need to socialize. This makes this breed suitable as a playmate for children. But be careful, the puppies are quite energetic, so you have to be careful if the children are very young. It is not an aggressive dog, even towards other dogs or strangers.

You have to have activities planned for him, because it is one of the breeds of dogs that does not know how to be still and if he gets bored, he could nibble everything he finds in your house.
Labrador Retriever: history and origins

The Labrador Retriever, also called simply Labrador, is a breed of dog originating from the Labrador Peninsula in Canada. Bred and selected from the nineteenth century.

The Labrador Retriever appears to be a direct descendant of the St. John's Spaniel, which is a cross between a native breed and hunting dogs imported from England. It was raised by English fishermen on the island of Newfoundland in the 17th century. Its roots are connected, therefore, with those of the Newfoundland dog.

There is no doubt that this dog has been trained, raised and trained, in this desolate land. This has certainly forged him to be resilient and to have an adoration for water.
Labrador Retriever

Its current existence is due to a paradox that occurred at the end of the 19th century, when this breed was at risk of extinction. The landing of the Labrador Retriever on the old continent is due to the measures taken by the Newfoundland administration to limit the number of dogs on the island. At that time, fishing was almost entirely industrial, so dogs were no longer indispensable.

Thus, in 1870, Governor Edwards decided to limit the number of dogs to one per household. Many of them became strays and wandered around the port where the British ships docked.

This is how the English hunters realized that these dogs, in addition to having incredible resistance, very much enjoyed returning to the owner everything that was thrown at them, even if they had to dive into cold and deep waters. The Labrador Retriever began to be imported into England at the beginning of the 19th century.

The Labrador Retriever breed of dog was bred by some English noblemen, including the Earl of Malmesbury. To him we owe the birth, in 1885, of the first Labrador specimen as we know it today. His name was Buccleuch Avon and he had a black cloak. Four years later, the first golden-mantled Labrador was born, which became significant only in 1920. Starting in the 30s of the 20th century, the breeding of the chocolate-colored Labrador began.

Due to its hunting and retriever skills, the Labrador Retriever was very popular in England and was even bred by King George VI. The Kennel Club officially recognized this breed in 1903, but its first standard is from 1916, partially modified in 1950. The FCI standard is from 1989. Today, the Labrador is one of the most popular dogs in the world, especially in England, the United States and Western Europe.

Labrador retriever: characteristics

Labradors are large retrievers, though not overly muscular. According to the FCI norm n.º 1222 of 01/12/2011, the males must have a height at the withers of 56-57 cm, and 54-56 cm for the females. Weight is not a parameter indicated by the standard, but it must range between 30 and 35 kg for females, and between 35 and 40 kg for males.

The head is broad, solid, and pointed with a large, black snout. Almond-shaped eyes are brown or hazel. The ears are triangular, hang down gracefully and are slightly set back. The Labrador Retriever has a deep, broad chest.

The hair is hard, soft, thick and woolly, we can find it in the following colors:

    brown (or chocolate),
    Honey (or champagne).

It is always plain. the c internal cover is waterproof. The tail is of medium length, thick at the base and thin towards the tip, and is covered with short, dense hair.

The Labrador Retriever is a very active dog and needs to be active.
How long can a Labrador Retriever live?

It has a life expectancy of 12-13 years, but can also reach 15. In general, it is a robust dog and is in excellent health. The Labrador has a sweet tooth and has a certain tendency to obesity. You have to pay attention to its diet, especially if the dog is an adult, which if it is incorrect can cause heart problems, labrador retriever puppies for sale.

It is not true that the Labrador suffers from osteoarthritis due to a genetic predisposition, but for two reasons:

    Bad habits of the puppy until the year of life (too many jumps, stairs or smooth floors);
    Incorrect nutrition, too many proteins based on cereal flour and too many carbohydrates present in industrial foods (croquettes or wet) that are subjected to a process of very high temperatures with the consequent nutritional loss of the raw materials used.

The predisposition to joint pathologies with respect to this breed is very low (20%), so it cannot be said that osteoarthritis is a congenital disease (as in all large breed dogs).

In the United Kingdom and the United States, a certain frequency of cases of progressive retinal atrophy has also been observed. This disease, which can lead a dog to blindness, begins to take place around 5 or 6 years of age.

In Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, Uruguay, Chile and Colombia, however, it is a pathology that occurs infrequently, especially if breeders carry out a preventive DNA detection in dogs used as breeders.

Labrador Retriever: training

The Labrador Retriever is an easy dog ​​to train. The key is the consistency of the owner. He is an obedient and tireless dog. Learn very fast. It should be noted that as a puppy our Labrador is a compulsive chewer, he chews everything within his reach.

Therefore, he should be made to understand that he should not chew on furniture, remote controls, textiles and the like. But for this, it will be enough to provide him with games that keep him busy and with which he can vent his passion for biting.

He is a dog that needs a lot of exercise, remember that he is tireless and that he needs a lot of interaction with his owner. The Labrador Retriever is a really suitable dog for everyone, but if you intend to make him sedentary, be prepared for the destruction of the house, because if he gets bored, he must find something to entertain himself.

The peculiarity of this dog breed is that we can define it as widely versatile. The Labrador can be a wonderful companion dog, a hunting dog or a retriever. It can be trained, with very good results, as a guide dog for blind people, diabetics or people with seizure disorders.

It can also be trained as an anti-drug dog, to search for explosives or for maritime rescue. It is also used as a tracking dog to search for children or missing persons and for therapy pets.
Labrador Retriever: character

The first thing you think of looking into the eyes of a Labrador Retriever is that he is an affectionate and intelligent dog. His attentive gaze, his overflowing joy and his sociability will be the characteristics that will steal your heart. It is a dog that can appear elegant and simple at the same time, with a courageous but discreet temperament. He loves to socialize, especially with his owner and the family he lives with.

The Labrador Retriever is not aggressive and this makes it perfect for family life, in which it will feel like one more member. Do not ask him, however, to live a sedentary or lonely life because he will resent it a lot. Behind his docile and good appearance, the soul of an athlete hides, a dog whose energy comes out of his pores.

Like most dogs, it has a sense of territoriality, but it is not a guard dog. He may warn you with a bark, but he will never be overly aggressive. He is not aggressive even towards other dogs.

Labrador Retriever: price and puppies

The price of a Labrador Retriever puppy varies depending on the pedigree of the dog and in many cases how much the seller or the breeders who sell them want to earn.

The price of a Labrador puppy ranges between 600 and 1,000 euros, about 700-1,100 dollars, it is difficult to find it at a lower price if it has all the correct documents and the appropriate pedigree.
Labrador Retriever: breeders

In the United States, Spain, Argentina and Mexico there are specialized and registered breeders, but you can also find your Labrador puppy in Venezuela, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia and Central America.

If what you want is a Labrador Retriever dog that does not have disease problems is or health, you have to be wary of prices that are too cheap, but you also have to be wary of those who ask you for higher prices.

For example, in Spain the documents to request from the breeder when buying a Labrador Retriever puppy have to do with its pedigree and also with demonstrating that it does not suffer from any common disease of the “Retrievers” group.
Labrador Retriever: documents that we should request

    Minutes of the litter (sealed by the RSCE).
    Hip dysplasia certificate.
    The certificate of tests of the heart.
    Eye test certificate.
    Elbow dysplasia certificate.

We have said that the Labrador Retriever is a dog that is very good in company and if there are children in your family, even better. If he is an adult dog, you can rest assured that he will be a trustworthy and sweet playmate.

When he is a puppy, on the other hand, it is necessary to pay a little attention if the children are small because he is unruly, rough and could inadvertently hurt them during play. As for strangers, he is equally sociable. Don't be surprised if you see him trying to jump on him to get two cuddles or to try to lick his face.

Now that we have cleared up all the most important aspects, you can go in search of your new 4-legged friend, who is surely waiting for you, labrador retriever puppies for sale.
