Garden and vegetable garden from scratch. Detailed Guide

Do you want to start a vegetable garden but don't know where to start, or are you overwhelmed with information about how many questions you need to think about before you get started?

Don't worry, you are not alone.

Starting a garden from scratch is no easy task, especially if you don't have any gardening relatives. Therefore, it is useful to have a detailed guide to help you master the introductory concepts. That's exactly what we're going to do in this material. We're going to share all the things you need to consider and get a quick understanding so you can go out to your garden tomorrow (or even today) and start digging.

Let's start!

1. Deciding what to plant

If you already know what you're going to grow, you can skip this step. But if you haven't already, there are a few factors you'll want to take into account.

First, you need to know what planting zone you are in to determine what can be grown in your area and when you should start planting it.

Secondly, you will need to decide what plants you like.

If you don't like a particular fruit or vegetable, then you shouldn't waste your time growing it. This advice may seem obvious, but in fact, some people choose plants that others think are easy to grow, fast growing, or even profitable, even though they personally don't like it. This may reduce your motivation at this stage.

Third, you can now think about which plants will give you the most yield for the time and effort you put into growing it.

Finally, you'll want to consider which plants will work best with your schedule. Some plants do require more care and harvest too quickly, but if you can't devote much time to the garden, you're better off choosing slow-growing, easy-to-grow plants.

2. What gardening methods to use

There are many different shapes and designs for vegetable gardens.

The first and easiest way to care for a garden is in the ground. Dig up the soil and plant a seed or sapling, that's it.

Secondly, container gardening, which means growing in a pot. This is a great way to grow small amounts of vegetables because it doesn't require a lot of land or soil.

The downside to container gardening is that you will need to prepare different sized containers because each plant has a different size or depth required for their root system. Additionally, not all plants can be grown in a container, and if you decide to grow a lot of plants, using containers will require more space.

Third, raised beds. Typically these are rectangular containers with an area of ​​1.5-3 square meters, made of wood, which are located above ground level. This method has advantages and disadvantages of both above-ground and container gardening.

A raised bed is a better option than containers if you want to grow a variety of vegetables. And because they're higher than ground level, raised beds are easier on your back.

There are more advanced methods such as the keyhole garden, no digging, vertical garden and more, but for now let's stick to the basics.

For beginners and people who are just interested in gardening, an in-ground garden bed is the easiest option if you have the space. But you should still look into each type of garden and decide which one is best for you.

3. Calculate how much space you need

You can skip this step if you want to grow a small number of plants (1-10), because you can roughly estimate how much space you need just with your eyes. However, if you are planning to grow a large garden to feed your family, this is a very important step that you should not skip.

Calculating space is actually very difficult. You need to know what kind of plant to grow, how many plants to grow, how much space is required for each plant and only then you can get the total space required.

4. Find the perfect location

Location is key to growing a wonderful garden. There are three main considerations.

First, you need to find a spot on your property that receives six or more hours of sunlight per day.

Six hours is what most plants require to grow. There are plants that need less (usually 3-6 hours. This is what gardeners call partial sun), but you need to choose a location with six hours of sun. If the plant you want to grow doesn't need full sun, the trick is to provide shade by growing the plant in nearby shade.

The bottom line is that you should always choose a location that gets full sun for six hours. You can create shadow, but you cannot create sun.

Second, choose a location where the soil is well-drained. If the area is subject to frequent flooding or there is frequent standing water, it is not a suitable location for a garden. At least if you don't fix it.

Finally, if possible, locate your garden as close to a water source as possible. This will make watering much easier.

5. Planning your garden

We've already discussed some of the gardening options above, as well as the plants you'd like to grow and the location of your garden.

The next step is to lay out your garden layout.

Take a piece of blank paper and a pencil, then make a rough sketch of your site along with your house and outbuildings. Then mark the locations where your beds will be placed.

If you plan to use the soil method, you will plant in rows. And if you plan to grow a lot of plants, you'll need more than one row. For a garden with more than one row, make sure there is enough space between them for your access, about half a meter or more.

If you are using raised beds, draw squares, L-shapes, T-shapes, circles or any other shape for your beds.

In your garden beds, draw a vegetable in the location you choose or write the initial letter of the plant.

This is the basis of how to schematically prepare a garden layout.

There are plenty of free garden planning programs out there, but most of the ones we've tried are too difficult to use or obtain. If you start simple, using this software can only complicate things.

6. Soil testing and consolidation

You cannot have a good harvest without good soil. To know whether your soil quality is good or not, you need to test it. See if any work needs to be done before planting.

A simple, DIY way to test your soil is to wet the soil where you decide to place your garden. Then let it sit for a day. The next day, go back and take a hand full of dirt, then squeeze it in your hand as hard as you can.

Then gently poke the lump with your finger. If the dirt crumbles instantly, there is too much sand in it and you will need to add manure or compost to it to enrich it.

If the dirt falls apart softly, then you will know it is good for planting and ready to plant.

Keep in mind that this method is very simplified and is not universal.

7. Build your own beds (flower beds) in the Garden

Skip to step 8 if you are not building your own beds.

A garden bed is a very easy DIY project and can save you some money. If you have scraps of wood or pallets, you can build the whole thing yourself for free.

Here's a tutorial for creating raised garden beds from scrap wood.

Make sure your wood is well preserved by painting it with latex paint and treating it with an oil-based clear coat. Use plastic liner and use rot-resistant wood such as cedar, oak or redwood.

You can also build your beds from other materials such as concrete or stone.

Most importantly, avoid wood that has been treated with toxic chemicals. To make the structure even more secure, use a heavy plastic or polypropylene fabric spacer between the tree and the soil.

Once you've built your raised beds, work the space in the garden to dig up the soil. It's a good idea to leave clean soil as long as possible because it gives the grass a chance to die off.

Then go back to the soil and spread it out in places where it's not as lumpy in appearance. Add compost, manure or any other organic matter your garden needs.

8. Find your seeds

Buying your first seeds or seedlings can be overwhelming. There are many places to buy your future plants, and there are so many varieties of plants to choose from that you may not be able to choose which is best.

Well, let us bring you up to speed.

Your best bet is probably to find someone local if there are local stores or individuals selling seeds or seedlings near your location. This is because native plants tend to grow best in your garden, which will give you the most cost-effective results.

They also usually give the best price.

Then make sure you read the accompanying information on the label.

The seeds vary. You can choose what size vegetables you want to harvest, what color vegetables you want to grow, and some seeds are more resistant to certain pests and diseases (talk to other local gardeners to find out what pests and diseases are common in your area).

Speaking of other local gardeners, you might be able to get free seeds from them. Just ask. Gardeners typically save their seeds every year, and many of us are happy to share some of them.

9. Grow Plants from Your Seeds

Some people buy seedlings for their first garden, some start from seeds. The latter is actually not that difficult to do yourself, especially for some easy-to-grow plants.

Making your own seeds will also save you some money.

First, you need a seedling tray. Fill each cell with potting soil, then plant a different seed in each cell. Then place the tray under a grow light (or just any warm light) to provide warmth. Do these steps indoors if it's cold outside.

Wait for germination to occur. The germination period for each plant is different.

Water them gently with a spray bottle until they are ready to transplant. Again, some plants require more or less time until they are ready. When they are ready, transplant them into your outdoor garden beds.

Planting seeds is a delicate process, but worth the extra effort.

10. Taking care of your plants

The fun has just begun. Once you have successfully planted your vegetable garden, like any living thing, your plants need care if you want them to bear fruit.

The first thing you need to care for plants is water them. Different plants require different amounts of water, so make sure you know how much water your vegetables need.

It's a good idea to keep a rain gauge in your garden so you know how much rain you've had this week. If it doesn't rain at least 20cm a week, (some) your plants may need water.

Next, make sure you mulch your plants in the garden. This not only helps control weeds, but also helps retain moisture around the plant. Mulch can also help keep roots at a stable temperature.

The next and probably most frustrating step for most gardeners is weeding your garden. Weeds compete with your plants for nutrients and this can greatly hinder the growth of your garden.

Finally, take a look at your plants to see if they need fertilizing. Some plants will change color to show that they are lacking nutrients. Look at the leaves.

Seed packets usually come with a growing guide that recommends fertilizing a specific variety of vegetable several times during the growing season. Make sure you follow the guide correctly.

When it's time to fertilize, either add compost around the base of the plant and let it break down, or use store-bought fertilizer and follow the package directions.

11. Harvest your garden

Harvesting your garden is a simple process, but for some plants it can be difficult to know when to harvest.

In general, once your plants are fully grown, they will begin to bear fruit. When the harvest is ripe, collect the fruits from the plant.

Harvesting can mean picking the fruits from a plant (such as tomatoes, green beans, or peppers). This may also mean cutting it off (in the case of rhubarb).

For leafy greens like lettuce or spinach, you'll need scissors to cut the crop at the base of the plant. Remove the leaves, still leaving the roots.

Again, most growing guides on seed packets will tell you the process for your specific plant.

12. Get rid of pests and diseases

Every garden will eventually encounter pests or diseases. The best way to control disease is to grow varieties that are resistant to the diseases that commonly attack the plant.

The next best thing is to mulch around the base of the plant and avoid watering from above to keep dirt off the stem.

Practice crop rotation every year, or every four years if you grow certain crops (Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and other mustard plants). This will prevent soil-borne diseases from developing.

If one of your plants becomes sick, remove it immediately and do not add it to your compost bin. This will hopefully prevent the disease from spreading to other plants in your garden.

You will also have to deal with pests.

For some animals, such as deer, squirrels and hares, your garden is their salad bar. You have to get rid of them, humanly if you will.

There are many ways to do this, but the best option is to stop them frome getting inside in the first place: fence your garden.

If pests appear, the best way to defeat them is to cover the crops with special films. You can also walk around your garden and pick them with your hands.

13. How to save your harvest

If you don't plan to eat them right away, you'll need to store harvests from your garden to ensure they remain edible for a long time.

In most cases, if you place your produce in a cool, dry place without washing it, it should remain in good condition for several days after picking. If you need a few extra days, you should wash them and put them in a cool place. Most vegetables stay crisp in the refrigerator for up to seven days.

For gardeners with a short period of gardening throughout the year, it is best to preserve the harvest by freezing, canning, or cellaring. This way you can use your harvest throughout the year and save money on groceries.

Your options may vary depending on what you're planting in your garden, but it's helpful to know the many ways to preserve them in advance.

And that's all you need to know to start a vegetable garden, and then some. Your next step is to figure out what gardening zone you fall into and look up frost dates so you know when to start planting.
