Introduction to Healthy Living

During dynamic examinations, functional indicators of physical development play an important role. This assessment is made on the basis of analysis and comparison of all studies conducted in a state of muscle rest and during functional tests and tests.

Functional state is one of the main indicators of a student’s physical health and fitness. The functional state can be assessed as good, satisfactory, or impaired (overwork, overtraining, etc.).

Mental health

Mental health determines the normally occurring processes of higher nervous activity.

The enormous influence of the nervous system on the occurrence of pathological processes is confirmed by convincing experiments. For example, if a person in a state of hypnosis is told that his skin is being burned with a hot iron, he may experience a lesion such as a burn from the touch of a pencil.

Overstrain of higher nervous activity caused by mental trauma (grief, fear, etc.), difficult life situations, can lead to changes in the functional relationships of the cerebral cortex and the subcortical region. As a result, dysfunctions of various organs appear.

Under the influence of suggestion and self-hypnosis, both positive and negative structural changes in the body can occur. In mentally healthy people, all mental processes in the body (visual perceptual function, kinesthesia, attention, memory, etc.) proceed normally. The mental processes that ensure human cognitive activity include sensations, perceptions, ideas, thinking, memory and attention. As a result of sensation and perception of any objects or phenomena, a person forms ideas. They, like perceptions, are visual in nature, but less distinct and easily changeable.

included among the conditions that determine the preservation of health. However, one should not think that physical education and sports automatically guarantee good health. Research has established that of the total number of factors influencing the formation of students' health, physical education and sports account for 15-30%, sleep - 24-30%, diet - 10-16%, and the total impact of other factors. accounts for 24-51%. Special studies have established that the routine of students’ lives and, in particular, its elements such as orderliness, organization, systematicity, and discipline are important conditions for the success of educational activities.

A careful attitude towards health must be actively cultivated during student years. However, young people often carelessly violate basic rules of household hygiene, diet, sleep, etc. Thus, up to 27% of students living in dormitories go to classes without breakfast. In this case, training sessions are held with a decrease in performance by 9-21%. Up to 38% of students eat hot meals twice a day. At the same time, the Institute of Nutrition recommends that students have 4 meals a day, meaning the organization of a second breakfast after 11 o’clock. For 87% of students living in dormitories, going to bed lasts until 1 - 2 am. As a result, they do not get enough sleep, which affects their mental performance during the school day by 7–18% compared to when sleep is normally organized. Up to 59% of students begin self-study within 20 to 24 hours. Its duration is on average 2.5-3.5 hours. Thus, it turns out that a significant part of the students complete it after midnight. Studying at such a late time requires increased expenditure of nervous energy and affects the quality of sleep. About 36% of students are engaged in self-preparation and on weekends intended for rest and recuperation. Up to 62% of students are in the fresh air for less than 30 minutes a day, 29% of students are in the fresh air for up to 1 hour with a hygienic norm of 2 hours a day. Less than 2% of students resort to various hardening procedures.

As a consequence of this, there are outbreaks of colds in the autumn-winter and winter-spring periods, which affect up to 80% of students. A healthy lifestyle is a set of health measures that ensure harmonious development, performance and longevity.

Student personal hygiene

Hygiene is the whole science of preserving and strengthening people's health. Its main task is to study the influence of living and working conditions on people's health, preventing diseases, ensuring optimal conditions for human existence, preserving his health and longevity.

Young professionals graduating from universities in the country should be well aware of the basic principles of personal and public hygiene and skillfully apply them in everyday life, study, at work, when organizing various events in mass physical culture and sports in professional settings.

Personal hygiene includes: a rational daily regimen; body and oral care; hygiene of clothes and shoes.

It is especially important for students, since strict adherence helps to improve health, increase mental and physical performance and serves as a guarantee of high sporting achievements.

The daily regimen should be based on the laws of biological rhythms. With a correct and strictly observed daily routine, a certain mode of functioning of the body is developed, as a result of which students can most effectively perform specific types of work at a certain time. A rational daily routine also allows you to better plan your time and work more successfully. Strict adherence to a daily routine helps to develop organization, willpower, and teaches conscious discipline. Students’ daily regimen should include, first of all, performing various types of activities at strictly defined times, correct alternation of educational activities, training sessions and rest, regular meals; sufficient quality sleep.

Basic rules for organizing a daily routine:

- getting up at the same time;

- performing morning hygienic exercises and hardening procedures;

- eating at the same time, at least 3 times a day (preferably 4-5 times a day);

- independent studies in academic disciplines at the same time;

- exercise or sports with optimal physical activity (at least 3 - 5 times a week for 1.5 - 2 hours);

-performing physical exercises during pauses in educational activities (3 - 5 minutes);

-daily stay in the fresh air with walking and other physical exercises (1.5 - 2 hours);

-full sleep (at least 8 hours) with falling asleep and waking up at the same time.

over 1.5 -2 months, bring it, depending on your well-being and state of health, to +20.. .+15 C and below. Water procedures are divided into rubbing (the initial stage of hardening), dousing (the next stage of hardening with water), showering and bathing (the most effective methods of hardening with water).

Sun hardening has a beneficial effect on the body. Exposure to sunlight and, above all, ultraviolet rays increases the tone of the central nervous system, improves the barrier function of the skin, activates the activity of the endocrine glands, improves metabolism and blood composition, promotes the formation of vitamin D. All this has a positive effect on the student’s performance and mood. In addition, sunlight is harmful to pathogens. Systematic ultraviolet irradiation within optimal limits has a general strengthening effect, increases performance, and is a good hardening agent in the fight against infections and colds.

The bathhouse is an excellent means of hardening. It is recommended that after warming up in the bath, use a short-term (from several seconds to 1 minute) cold shower. It’s not for nothing that people have a saying: “The day you take a steam bath, you won’t grow old.”

Balanced diet

Rational nutrition, based on scientific principles, ensures proper growth and formation of the body, helps maintain health, high mental and physical performance and prolongs creative longevity. A balanced diet is of particular importance for students. Food is a specific combination of food products consisting of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts and water. The main hygienic requirements for food are the following: its optimal quantity, corresponding to the energy expenditure of a person in the process of life; full quality, i.e. inclusion of all essential nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts), balanced in optimal proportions; the presence and diversity of animal and plant products; good digestibility; pleasant taste, smell and appearance; good quality and harmlessness.

cases, long-term and systematic treatment is necessary.

Thus, if a student, and especially a student-athlete, has certain health conditions, he should immediately consult a doctor and strictly follow his instructions regarding both the general regimen and the training regimen.

Assessment and self-assessment of the state of physical development can be achieved through a medical examination, during which various defects in physical development can be identified (impaired posture, lag in certain parameters of physical development). Anthropometric measurements should be taken periodically at the same time of day: height, standing and sitting, body weight, chest circumference, vital capacity (VC) and hand strength of the strongest arm. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to assess physical development using the following anthropometric indices.

1. Weight - height indicator is calculated by dividing body weight (in g) by its length (in cm). A good estimate for women is 360 - 405g, for men - 380 - 415g.

2. Proportionality coefficient (CP), which is measured in %.

KP = L 1/ L 2 *100, where L 1 is the standing body length; L 2 -dyne of the body while sitting. Normal CP = 87 -92%.

3. Vital indicator is determined by dividing vital capacity by body weight (g). The division quotient below 65-70 ml/kg in men and 55-60 ml/kg in women indicates insufficient vital capacity or excess weight.

4. The index of proportionality of chest development is equal to the difference between the chest circumference (in pause) and half the body length. The normal difference should be 5-8 cm in men and 3-4 cm in women.

5. Strength indicator (SP). There is a well-known relationship between body weight and muscle strength. Typically, the greater the muscle mass, the greater the hand strength (kg) SP = hand strength (kg) / total body weight (kg) * 100.

For the strongest hand, this figure is 65–80% for men and 48–50% for women.

Assessment of functional readiness is carried out using physiological tests of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. An important indicator of the state of the cardiovascular system is heart rate (HR).

1. Heart rate. It is recommended to monitor it daily at the same time: in the morning before meals in a lying position, in the evening before bed in a sitting position. Before calculating your heart rate (pulse), you should rest for five minutes without moving with relaxed muscles in the position in which the pulse is calculated. Then count your pulse for one minute and record the result in your self-monitoring diary.

If the heart rate tends to stabilize or slow down with good general health, this may indicate a good state of the cardiovascular system and its further strengthening.

2. Simultaneous functional test with squats (20 times in 40 s). The increase in heart rate is excellent - 20 and less, good - 21-40, satisfactory - 41-65, bad - 66 - 75, very bad - 76 and more.

3. Orthostatic test. The student rests on his back for five minutes, then the heart rate is calculated for 1 minute, after which the student stands up and rests standing for 1 minute. and again counts the pulse for 1 minute. The difference between heart rate while standing and lying down is used to judge the response of the cardiovascular system to stress.

A difference from 0 to 12 beats is good, 13-18 is satisfactory, 19-25 is unsatisfactory and more than -25 beats indicates overwork or illness, in which case you need to consult a doctor.

To assess the state of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and the ability of the internal environment of the body to be saturated with oxygen, the Stange and Genchi test is used.

4. Stange test (breath holding while inhaling). After a five-minute rest, take 2-3 deep breaths and exhale, and then, after taking a full breath (80-90% of the maximum), hold your breath. The time from the moment of delay to its (complete) cessation is noted. The average is the ability to hold your breath for 65 seconds.

5. Genchi test (holding your breath while exhaling). Here the indicator is 30 seconds. With increasing training, the ability to hold your breath increases.

Self-control (self-regulation and self-esteem) instills in students a competent and meaningful attitude towards their health and physical education and sports, and has great educational significance.


The development of health is determined by the interaction of a large number of factors - social and biological, external and internal, material and spiritual, which interact with each other in complex and contradictory ways.

The main condition for maintaining health, undoubtedly, is an active lifestyle, which includes personal hygiene, hardening, balanced nutrition, giving up bad habits and, of course, an active lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle and physical culture are organically united in their humanistic orientation and are focused on a specific individual. Physical education creates the necessary prerequisites and conditions for a healthy lifestyle, however, one should not think that physical education and sports automatically guarantee good health. Research has established that of the total number of factors influencing the formation of students' health, physical education and sports account for 15-30%, sleep - 24-30%, diet - 10-16%, and the total impact of other factors. - 24-51%. Systematic physical education has a beneficial effect on all systems of body function: cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal system, etc.

Systematic physical training will give you not only strong muscles, although this is a lot, they themselves are a powerful disciplinary factor. Positive impact of systematic physical education and sports on the characterological characteristics of students’ personality.

**Introduction to Healthy Living**

Living a healthy lifestyle is essential for maintaining overall well-being and longevity. By adopting healthy habits, individuals can enhance their physical, mental, and emotional health. In this article, we'll explore the fundamentals of healthy living and why it's crucial for everyone.

**What is Healthy Living?**

Healthy living encompasses a variety of practices and behaviors that promote optimal health and wellness. It involves making conscious choices to support one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This includes maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, getting enough sleep, managing stress effectively, and avoiding harmful substances.

**Benefits of Healthy Living**

The benefits of healthy living are numerous and far-reaching. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, individuals can experience:

1. Improved physical health: Regular exercise and a balanced diet can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

2. Enhanced mental well-being: Healthy habits contribute to better mood regulation, increased energy levels, and improved cognitive function.

3. Increased longevity: Research has shown that individuals who lead healthy lifestyles tend to live longer and have a higher quality of life as they age.

4. Better stress management: Healthy living practices such as exercise and mindfulness can help reduce stress levels and promote relaxation.

5. Stronger immune system: A healthy lifestyle can boost the immune system, making the body more resilient to infections and illnesses.

**Key Components of Healthy Living**

To incorporate healthy living into daily life, it's important to focus on the following key components:

1. Nutrition: Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats is essential for providing the body with the nutrients it needs to function optimally.

2. Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight, strengthen muscles and bones, improve cardiovascular health, and boost mood.

3. Sleep: Getting enough high-quality sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to allow your body to rest and rejuvenate.

4. Stress management: Practicing stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and time management can help alleviate stress and promote relaxation.

5. Avoiding harmful substances: Limiting alcohol consumption, avoiding tobacco products, and staying away from illicit drugs are important aspects of healthy living.


In conclusion, healthy living is a lifestyle choice that can have profound benefits for both physical and mental health. By prioritizing nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, and avoiding harmful substances, individuals can improve their overall well-being and quality of life. Embracing healthy habits is an investment in oneself that pays dividends for years to come.

Project on the theme “Healthy lifestyle”
Subject: Physical training
Author of the work: Novikov Nikita
Project Manager: Lazarev Yuri Viktorovich
Institution: MBOU Pavlovskaya Secondary School
Class: 9

In an individual research project on physical education on the topic “Healthy Lifestyle,” the author analyzes theoretical data on the principles of proper nutrition and the role of physical activity to maintain a healthy lifestyle and preserve one’s health.
More details about the work:

In the process of student research work on physical education “Healthy Lifestyle”, the author provides evidence that a person’s health directly depends on the lifestyle he leads, and in order to form the correct idea of ​​health and beauty in the younger generation, it is necessary to highlight the principles of a healthy lifestyle among school students.

A ready-made physical education project about a healthy lifestyle was created with the intention of changing existing attitudes towards one's health. The project is aimed at improving children's health. The project deepens students' basic knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and the factors influencing health. This activity is aimed at enhancing knowledge on maintaining one’s health.
Table of contents

1. What is a healthy lifestyle?
2. Proper nutrition.
3. Motor activity.
4. Personal hygiene.
5. Bad habits.


Health is an incomparable value. Every person has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy. Scientists believe that if we take the level of health conditionally as 100%, then 20% of it depends on hereditary factors, 20% on the effects of the environment, 10% on the activities of the health care system, and the remaining 50% depends on the person himself, on the lifestyle he leads. And since it is in early childhood, preschool and school age that human health is formed, the role of the school in this matter is clear.

The motto of our work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle was the words of Carlyle: “A healthy person is the most precious work of nature,” therefore, we see the main goal in developing in students a value-based attitude towards their health, skills in a culture of a healthy lifestyle, and introduction to physical education and sports.

I think no one doubts that a healthy lifestyle leads to prosperity. From birth, we all receive a certain genetic set, which should ensure the achievement of the maximum possible life goals. But only healthy people can realize these opportunities in practice and reach their life ceiling even in ideal living conditions, of which there are significantly more people who lead a healthy lifestyle.

Health is a fairly multifaceted category. According to the World Health Organization, health is defined as “ a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease .”

My research work is devoted to how a modern schoolchild evaluates his health and whether he adheres to a healthy lifestyle.

The purpose of the research work: to develop in students the need for a healthy lifestyle, to understand the originality and necessity of health, to teach ways to preserve and strengthen it.

Research objectives:creating favorable conditions for students to develop a value-based attitude towards healthy lifestyle as one of the main ways to achieve success;
fostering an active life position, a responsible attitude towards one’s health;
maintaining and strengthening the physical health of students;
popularization of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle;
introduction of innovative technologies to prevent bad habits and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Research objectives:creating favorable conditions for students to develop a value-based attitude towards healthy lifestyle as one of the main ways to achieve success;
fostering an active life position, a responsible attitude towards one’s health;
maintaining and strengthening the physical health of students;
popularization of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle;
introduction of innovative technologies to prevent bad habits and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Expected Result :increasing motivation for a healthy lifestyle, creating an individual way of physical self-improvement;
reduction of morbidity rates among students.

The object of our work is to develop students’ need for a healthy lifestyle.

Key concepts :> health, healthy lifestyle, physical activity

Hypothesis: Teenagers can competently explain what the concept of a healthy lifestyle includes, but there is practically no child who fully complies with the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

What is healthy lifestyle?
A healthy lifestyle is a person’s way of life aimed at preventing diseases and promoting health.

What does the concept of a healthy lifestyle include? According to students in grades 8-9, the concept of “ healthy lifestyle ” includes the following components:proper nutrition;
motor mode;
rejection of bad habits.
Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition - the presence of all the necessary nutrients in the menu. Proper nutrition is a balanced diet with all the necessary substances, carbohydrates and fiber, the required amount of vitamins, minerals and microelements. Proper nutrition means limiting the intake of harmful substances.

You need to start limiting yourself from more harmful to less harmful.

Basic principles of proper nutrition:The energy value of food must correspond to the energy expenditure of the body.
Balanced diet, i.e. compliance of the chemical composition of nutrients with the physiological needs of the body.

Correct diet:Eating at the same time every day.
4-5 meals a day.
Intervals in eating should be at least 3 and no more than 5 hours.
The interval between dinner and the start of sleep should be 3-4 hours.

Physical activity

Motor activity is understood as the sum of all movements made by a person in the process of his life. This is an effective means of maintaining and strengthening health, harmonious personal development, and disease prevention. An indispensable component of physical activity is regular physical education and sports.

Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the formation and development of all functions of the central nervous system: strength, mobility and balance of nervous processes. Systematic training makes muscles stronger and the body as a whole more adapted to environmental conditions.

Under the influence of muscle loads, the heart rate increases, the heart muscle contracts more strongly, and blood pressure rises. This leads to functional improvement of the circulatory system.

During muscle work, the breathing rate increases, inhalation deepens, exhalation intensifies, and the ventilation capacity of the lungs improves. Intensive full expansion of the lungs eliminates congestion in them and serves as a prevention of possible diseases.

Physical activity is a leading factor in human health, because is aimed at stimulating the body's defenses and increasing health potential. Full physical activity is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, influencing almost all aspects of human life.

Personal hygiene

Personal hygiene is a set of hygienic rules, the implementation of which helps to preserve and strengthen human health. Personal hygiene includes general hygienic rules that are the same for people of any age: proper alternation of mental and physical labor, physical education, regular meals of nutritious food, alternation of work and active rest, adequate sleep.

Personal hygiene in the narrow sense includes hygienic requirements for keeping the body, linen, clothing, home clean, as well as maintaining cleanliness when preparing food. The first priority is to maintain cleanliness of the body.

Bad habits

What is a bad habit? A bad habit is an action that is automatically repeated many times, and this action is harmful from the point of view of the public good, others or the health of the person himself who has fallen under the bondage of the bad habit.

Bad habits include the following:Alcoholism
Computer games

Alcoholism is the most common bad habit, often turning into a serious disease, characterized by a painful addiction to alcohol (ethyl alcohol), with mental and physical dependence on it, accompanied by systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages despite the negative consequences.

Drug addiction is a chronic progressive (development of the disease with increasing symptoms) disease caused by the use of drug substances. Different drugs cause different addictions. Some drugs are highly addictive psychologically but not physically addictive. Others, on the contrary, cause strong physical dependence. Many drugs cause both physical and psychological dependence.

Smoking is the inhalation of smoke from drugs, mainly of plant origin, smoldering in the flow of inhaled air, in order to saturate the body with the active substances they contain through their sublimation and subsequent absorption in the lungs and respiratory tract.


The topic of developing a healthy lifestyle among the younger generation is very relevant, and especially in our time, since the number of students with health problems increases every year, many students have unhealthy habits, which has a very detrimental effect on both spiritual and physical state of health.

A healthy lifestyle is a generally accepted, reliable, effective way to preserve and strengthen people's health.

During the work, our hypothesis was completely justified. Teenagers can explain what the concept of a healthy lifestyle includes, but there is practically no child who fully complies with the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Everyone knows what a healthy lifestyle is and its components, but there are very few children who follow it.

To promote a healthy lifestyle, together with classmates, booklets and a video on promoting a healthy lifestyle were developed.
